Leviathan x Reader ~ If You Can Beat Me

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"Yay! I won!" You cheered. You had been playing Mortal Kombat with Levi and you finally won a round. Levi drops his controller in shock.
"There's no way I lost... to a NORMIE!" He shouts.
"Oh, sorry." You frown. You felt bad winning because it hurt Levi's self esteem.

"How about this!" Levi says, staring right at you. "If I win this next round, you do what I say! If you win I'll do as you say!"
"Okay, deal!" You shout.

You're back on serious mode as you jump and dodge Levi's attacks. However, he pushed you into a corner and wouldn't stop attacking.
"Nooooo." You say as he performs his fatality.

"What do you want me to do?" You ask him. Suddenly, Levi flushed red and said:
"What??" Your eyes open wide. Did he seriously just ask...
"Did you just say... kiss me?" You ask. Levi nods, embarrassingly. You smile, and pull him closer.
"I've always wanted to do this." You say as you place his lips on yours. Levi suddenly became brave and pulled your closer gripping your hair. He would not let you go for another minute. After you finally managed to pull away, you and Levi played another round. The next round Levi won again, which meant another kiss. The next round after that you won, which equaled getting a hickey.

After many rounds and many, many kisses you were both exhausted. Levi was embarrassed through and through. He couldn't believe he had fallen so hard for a normie.

"Thank you Levi..." you murmur as you lay your head on his lap and fall asleep. Levi sighs and carries you to his bathtub bed. He climbs in with you and snuggles up to you. He would not have it any other way: you were going to sleep with him.

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