Teen Titans

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Bold: Outer world
Normal: AU
Izuku, Robin
Monoma, Cyborg
Tokoyami, Raven
Tsuyu, Beast Girl
Camie, Bumblebee
Mina, Speedy
Iida, Aqualad
Eri & Kota, Mas y Menos
Inasa, Red Star
Rieko, Argent
Yui, Kole
Awase, Gnarrk
Ochako, Pantha
Koda, Wildebeest
Todoroki, Hot Spot
Kaminari, Killowat
Jiro, Herald
Shinso, Jericho
Toga, Jinx
Bakugo, Kid Flash
Kirishima & Sato, Thunder & Lightning
Mineta, Tramm
Ojiro, Bushido
Shigaraki, Gizmo
Twice, Billy
All For One, Brain
Muscular, Mammoth

Jo) "So, I have to give some context before this universe starts."

All Might) "Then let's here it young one."

Jo) "This universe has superpowers, not quirks, and superpowers are rare in this universe. You will be seeing a final battle and some stuff leading up to it, this universe has a hero team called the teen titans. Now, don't judge by what I say, Izuku is quirkless here.

Katsuki) "Then he's useless."

Jo) "He's the leader of the teen titans, he is one of the greatest heroes on that team, so many villains wanted him dead that they literally created a massive group of villains to track down every member of the titans. Only five escaped, Tsuyu, or Beast Girl, Ochako, or Pantha, Kota, or Mas, part of a duo called Mas y Menos, Jiro, or the Herald, and Shinso, or Jericho. Three members of the Teen Titans are quirkless, not powerless. The story you'll see is the fight.

Everyone was understandably intrigued, and now they watched happily as the screen turned darker.

As the screen turned on it showed the remaining five with Kota walking with his hands out in front of him. As they were walking multiple flashes appeared, one showed a guy pressing a button, another showed a glass tube filled with smoke, then the last one showed Kota starting to cry as he said, "Menos"

Tsuyu) "Is everything okay Mas?

Kota tried holding his hands out in all different directions, but it didn't work, he just shook his head. Then the screen turned to a different area with All For One's head on a robotic body, above him it said Brain.

Jo) "I'm putting tags above the characters so you know what they're called in their universe.

Overhaul) "I appreciate the help."

Brain) "Now the moment you've all been waiting for, I present, Robin.

Izuku was revealed to be trapped in a tube of some kind, once he was seen, the entire crowd of villains started cheering.

Reiko) "They really want him dead."

Izuku) "This isn't over!"

Brain) "Oh, but it is."

Then it went back to Tsuyu's group, as they were walking Ochako stopped at a doorway.

Ochako) "Someone is coming."

Then it showed the four in a rock guy's arms, as some odd looking villains ran passed, one with an H on his shield shouted, "Cinderblock, come on, their about to freeze Robin, Sir!"

Jiro) "How big of a threat was he if they all want to see him killed?"

Jo) "He's a member of the original five titans, and a master detective."

Then the shield guy said, "Nice catch, Sir." And the rock guy replied, "Thanks." This caused everyone to stop in their tracks as the shield guy said, "Since when could you talk, Sir?" Then the remaining four looked up as Shinso jumped out of the rock guy's head and into shield guy's, then a French guy asked, "What is the meaning of this?!"

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