date? {2}

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"You're in America, huh?" the red winged man said. "I'll remember to go and tell strangers exactly where I'm at." the greenette sassed. "Good point." he shrugged.

The winged man runs a hand through his sandy blonde hair. "What are you doing in the rain?" he asks the slightly shorter male. "Just relaxing. You?" the freckled man asks. "Patrol." he shrugged. "Shouldn't you get back to that then?" the viridian eyed man questioned. "Eh. I'd rather hang out with you." he said casually.

"Pft. Why's that?" Midoriya asks. "Villains are boring. Plus you're pretty cute." he said while winking like some sly fox. "Why thank you. But i'm going to have to decline." Izuku said while leaning back again. "And let you get soaking wet? No. This isn't something you can decline." he said while crouching down next to the greenette. "I like the rain thank you very much. I don't like you." Izuku groaned while scooting away from the male and out back into the cold rain.

"You are going to catch a cold." Hawks pointed out. "Good. Then I don't have to go to work." Izuku huffed softly while leaning back down onto his back. "What's your job then?" Hawks asks. "I'm a psychologist. I work with kids. I'm supposed to be starting a a new school when it starts back up again." he replied quietly. "Aren't you eighteen?" Hawks questioned, mainly to himself. "I'll be 19 in a couple of months." the green haired male replied. "Right." he muttered. "I'm still in still technically in training but I have a degree." he added with a small wink towards the chicken lover. The sandy blonde male flushed bright red before turning away from the greenette. "Aw. Can't handle that a little nerd like me can flirt with a big shot like you?" Izuku teased. "H-hush!" Hawks muttered under his hand, attempting and failing horribly at hiding his blush.

The freckled adult laughed softly before yawning a little and looking at the bird man. "What time is it?" he asked. "About 8:30. Why?" the blonde replies. "Dunno. Little hungry I guess." the shorter muttered. "I can take you somewhere." Hawks suggests. "What a charmer." Izuku snorted. "I'm serious!" Hawks shrieked while crossing his arms. "Yeah yeah. Whatever birdbrain." Izuku muttered. "Come on! I won't disappoint." he said, trying his best to convince the other. "I'm soaking wet. No restaurant is going to serve me." Izuku deadpanned. "Do you live nearby?" he asked. "I live in this apartment complex if that's what you mean." he replied while watching the stars twinkle in the night sky. "Then get changed so then I can take you out!" he said, determined to take him out to the restaurant. "On a date, or with your quirk?" Izuku joked. "A date." Hawks said without thinking. "I mean-" he stuttered up once he realized what he said. 

"Alright, fine." Izuku shrugged while standing up and stretching. "W-wait, what?" Hawks muttered out, blushing like crazy. "Aw~ Is the little chicken flustered?" Izuku teased while smirking lightly at the older male. "Come on." he said while grabbing the blonde's wrist, soft enough to not hurt his, but a tight enough grip to pull him. The greenette dragged the blonde down the fire escape stairs and to his apartment.  He then let go of the winged man and slid open his window. He slipped inside and let the other climb in. "Nice place." Hawks commented. "Sure. this is the best a minimum wage barista could afford. Not supper fancy like you heroes are used to." Izuku said while walking to his room. "Look around or whatever." he said before shutting his door. 

Curiosity had overcome the blonde as he began semi snooping around his apartment. He pulled out his phone and decided to text the group chat.

The green guy has a hella nice apartment
and is fucking hot

how would you know?

isnt he in America?

he lied apparently

makes sense
we are just strangers to him

and you are just randomly in his apartment..?

no not randomly
he invited me

Can't imagine why

he was soaking wet since it was raining
i found him on the roof of an apartment complex while patrolling
and now he's getting changed so i cant take him out

next thing you know
you're gonna be getting some dick!


where are you taking him?

to this little cafe nearby
its great!

the little birb has got a date~

he even called it that!!

and here I thought I was going to be able to take him out first

he's taking a long while

check on him?

dont you dare


that idiot

Hawks shut his phone off and creeped over towards where he saw Izuku head. He saw the door open slightly and peaked through the crack. He looks in to the see the greenette topless showing off perfectly toned abs. Hawks flushed a bright red at the sight but didn't turn away surprisingly. Izuku looked towards the door after hearing a small squeak and saw the winged blonde peeking in. "Wow. Wanted to see me that badly?" Izuku teased. "UH! S-sorry!" Hawks squeaked out before shutting the door. Izuku chuckled lightly and slipped on a shirt.

holy shit!
hes got abs!!


they looked so perfect

we seemed to have found ourselves a hot one

im flattered
liked what you saw little birdie?


did you forget he was apart of this group chat too?


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