XVI.lousy scheme

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Agatha squinting her eyes, set aside her sewing basket for a second, rose from the bed, her pale slender fingers smoothening the white sheets.

Walking over the drawers by the window to change her day frock into a nightgown, yawning, Agatha halted in her tracks when in the corner of her eyes, her eyes caught a figure running.

Clutching her nightgown, Agatha couldn't seem to take her eyes off Devon, swiftly running to God knows where at this time of night.

Agatha, her brows furrowed as Devon stopped, standing in the side, his hands behind his back as if hiding something, there, his emerald eyes wandering around the house.

Despite not hiding something, Agatha found herself ducking when Devon's wary eyes shifted to her spot, her heart beating fast, her palms balmy.

After a second, Agatha decided to lift her head, yet still ducking, she let herself the freedom to peek over the window, realizing Devon was already out of sight.

'Strange,' mutters Agatha, her brow still meeting as she rises from the ground, smoothening her frock, her eyes still wandering around outside, searching for Devon.

In the end, Agatha just let it all be, perhaps, as Genesis always told her, Devon's on his way to God knows where. Whether in broad daylight or in the midst of the night.

And who cares if Devon seriously looks suspicious back there? Agatha's in no place to question the man.

"That's just how Devon rolls," she remembered Genesis explaining, shrugging.

Shaking her head, erasing all thoughts concerning Genesis' friend, Agatha walks towards the adjacent room, stripping her clothes, leaving her all bare from head to toe.

Agatha knew winter is already coming, coldness instantly seeping through her skin. Licking her lips, Agatha fastened bathing thus wearing her nightgown immediately.

Letting out a satisfied huff, Agatha, her hair still enveloped in a white towel, was about to shut the window when there she saw it, her eyes widening.

Coming from the barn, smoke appeared. Long and dark.

Without any second thought, her heartbeat quickening, Agatha despite being barefoot and wearing such thin nightgown raced towards Genesis, knocking on the door loud and continuous.

"Genesis, open up," her voice rising in panic, her knuckles still working up against the wooden door for Genesis still hasn't opened it.

"What's the matter?" Roared Genesis back, even from his voice, one could already tell he was rushing to finish whatever he was doing, worried and tense.

As soon as the door flew open, Genesis showed himself freshly out of the bath, it's obvious he was still not finished, in fact.

His dark upper body still glistening from the soap, his close-chopped hair still wet and bubbly as well. Fortunately, he managed to score a pair of trousers, Agatha noticed, sighing in relief.

Like her, Genesis' barefoot, his hands went straight to her cheeks, his pupils dilated, running over her, "What's the matter? Are you hurt?"

Agatha abruptly shook her head, and in panic, she held his wrist, "The barn's bu-burning," she exclaimed.

Genesis stood there, at first, relief washes over him, thanking Agatha was not hurt but instantly, his eyes widening at the realization that the livestock is in danger.

Hurriedly, two of them hand-in-hand, they raced towards the barn, Genesis cursing, a cold breeze meeting them.

"Go back, Agatha, go fetch yourself a quilt," he ordered, his voice tensed, feet fast as he climbed down the stairs.

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