~Chapter One~ Roomed Together

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The name hat was always a bothersome process to the countries in their world meeting. This was going to be their biggest thing with it and it put fear into a few people. Recently they have decided to move to a new area together so they would all be closer and it would be easier to discuss world problems and what they could do to fix it. They decided their best option price wise was to get an apartment together and each room would have two people in it. The hat would decide who your roommate was. This could alway be changed later on but in the beginning whoever you got would be your first roomie. They all hoped not to be paired with someone they didn't like or were enemies with. Heaven forbid another world war because of a stupid roommate agreement. It was a rather nice deal and it was a really nice place with tons of nature and the rooms were all furnished. The pricing was all fit to their needs and what they could pay.

"All right everyone as you know today is the day that you will get your roommate from the name hat. This may either be a dreaded day or it could very possibly be the best day of your lives" Ludwig walked around holding the hat of fate. " Let us set up some ground rules first though as we don't want any fights that lead to disbandment okay" He looked at them with a strict face and pointed to the rules on the whiteboard. "First of all you must be respectful to your roommate you will not use their stuff without permission and you will not touch them without consent" He hit the whiteboard in a way to get some of the sleepers to pay attention. "Second of all, romantic and sexual relationships are allowed but require consent and you must respect a country's rules even if you don't agree" He crossed his arms and brought out a list. " You and your roommate will both be assigned chores and things you each do in the house. Lazy people will be forced to either do this or resign to a different place in order to be fair there are no freeloaders" He looked at Alfred who just kind of shrugged in confusion. "Of course these are not the only rules, just the basic ones. You each will get a list that you must follow. If a rule is broken, you get hurt or harassed you can contact me immediately and I will take care of that issue. Now does anyone have any questions?" He waited for people in the room to raise their hand but they all seemed to understand what was going on.

"Alright then everyone shall form a single file line now not everyone will be getting a name as once you receive the name you will meet up with your roommate to discuss moving in and other matters" He held the hat as they lined up a few were excited and some would rather be alone or somewhere else but this was the best solution. " I am really not looking forward to this. I really hope it isn't one of those blood wankers or Francis that would be my worst nightmare" Arthur's hand digs through a bit. "Ohonhonhon what is wrong with the fabulous Francis after all I am the best roomie when it comes to decor and wine" He winks a bit causing Arthur to grab one in anger and he looks at it in horror. "Just my luck I am paired with the flirtatious pervert of france please lord save me from this nightmare" He curls over on the ground in a ball when francis picks him up "Honestly in my opinion it was pretty lucky hononon~~ Now let's discuss when you will be in my bed tonight" As expected Francis got punched in the face by Arthur even though he was just joking around. "Unhand me at once you bloody pervert!!" Arthur yells a bit angered. "Alright don't get your girly panties tied up over nothing let's just go and get an early start on our room" Francis lets go of him and Arthur just crosses his arms and follows him out giving him the silent treatment.

Next in line was of course the annoying, a bit chaotic and a huge weeb obsessed with calling himself the hero. Alfred, you either hate him, love him or tolerate him at the most. Most people only love him though if they are crazy lunatics. "Whoever I get is going to have an awesome time! We will eat only the best food which is of course burgers and we will binge watch anime and netflix until the sun rises then sleep most of the day!" He yanks a paper out of the bag and is very excited nonetheless. "Bro I just got the most perfect roommate. Hell yea! We are so going to watch all the anime together, you hear that kiku?" He told Matthew as he ran over to Japan to tell him the "Good" News. Well at least they had some stuff in common and that Alfred was nice to him and respected his space. It could have gone a lot worse and he might have ended up with the terrifying but oddly cute Ivan.

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