Chapter 4

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Sprig felt a rage he never felt before when he saw this Sasha girl make his new friend do something she didn't know want to do, he may not have a lot of friends but he knew this wasn't right and Anne knew it too. He went back inside the library, got the music chest and left to go to his next class. He payed extra attention to Sasha and Anne to make sure they didn't do anything wrong. He listened to their conversations when he could but he didn't hear anything about sneaking out of the school. Time passed and it was lunchtime. He went to the cafeteria and got his lunch 🥗, since word spread out that he was an orphan he got some special privileges like getting Lunch for free. He was walking to a random table that had no people when he saw Sasha walk up to him. Just seeing her made him feel mad.

"Hey there Sprigy!"

"It's Sprig

"Right. Anyway my friends and I were wondering if you'd like to join us at our lunch table." Said Sasha

Before Sprig could respond, Sasha grabbed Sprigs hand and took him to the table. Sprig was holding his lunch in his other hand, hoping that he wouldn't drop it.

"Hey Sprigy, there's a seat next to me." Said Sasha as she smiled

Sprig didn't sit in the seat Sasha offered to him.
Instead, he sat next to Anne.

Sasha mumbled something under her breath and sat down at the table. A girl sitting on her left chuckled at the fact that Sasha's plan to get Sprig to like her wasn't working that great. Sasha frowned at her. She then went back to writing in her book. Sprig noticed the girl

"Hey I don't think I ever saw you before, what's your name?" Asked Sprig


"Nice to meet you Marcy."

"I hope she's not like Sasha." Thought Sprig.

He looked over at Anne. He saw that she was just looking down at her food and eating it. She looked sad

"Hey Anne."

"Hi Sprig."

Things were quiet after that. Sasha and Marcy talked but Anne wasn't talking, Sprig was amazed that just this morning Anne was so happy hanging out with him, now with Sasha she looked Sad, even miserable.

"What are you eating?" Asked Sprig

"I'm eating Khao Pad, I made it with my mom." Said Anne

"Then it probably tastes delicious because you're an amazing chef!" Said Sprig

"How would you know? You never even tasted it." Said Anne as she started to tease him

"I have a sense, A sense that Anne Boonchuy is the coolest girl ever and the greatest Chef ever!" Said Sprig as he made a reading mind face

Anne laughed a little. Usually when she's feeling down Sasha never noticed it, only Marcy did. so the fact that Sprig was trying to cheer her up meant a lot to her.

"What's Khao Pad?" Asked Sasha

"It's just fried rice 🍛 🍚." Said Anne

"Oh okay. Anyway Anne, do you want to talk about the plan?" Asked Sasha

"Oh okay." Said Anne

"What are you talking about?" Asked Sprig

"This is it, your chance to know more." Thought Sprig

"Well since you're a part of our group I guess I can tell you Sprigy. So basically, we're gonna sneak out of school and go on the new ride, the Seasick Flume. You want to come with us?" Asked Sasha

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