Chapter 6

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Warning! There will be beautiful Sprig and Anne Fluff! By the end you'll be saying Aww and feel really happy! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 Enjoy

As day turned into night, Anne was doing her homework and thinking about what she had done, when she saw Sprig walking around.

"What is Sprig doing?" Thought Anne

He then saw Sprig walking into an Alley.

"Should I go follow him? My parents are doing the night shift at Thai Go, so I probably won't get caught." Thought Anne

She left her room and walked near the Alley. She then saw Sprig doing his homework while a blanket was next to him

"Wait a minute, Does Sprig ....... live here?" Thought Anne

She was correct, Sprig did live in a Alley. He was living like this because he didn't want to get adopted and he wanted to get back to his true family. Since he couldn't get adopted and the orphanage was really, really far away this wasn't the best choice but it was all he got.

"Poor Sprig. Maybe he could live with me! But what to tell my parents?" Thought Anne

Anne then walked to Sprig.

"If you're another person looking to kick me out, I can find another Alley!" Said Sprig

"Hi Sprig."

"Anne? Oh sorry I thought you were one of those people trying to kick me out." Said Sprig

"Sprig can I ask you something?"


"Do you live here?" Asked Anne

"No ........... Yes" said Sprig

Sprig looked down sadly and Anne saw that he was clearly upset.

"Well you can live with me If you want." Said Anne


"Yeah but I'm going have to figure out oof!"

Sprig hugged Anne before she could even finish her sentence. She smiled and hugged back.

"Okay now come with me." Said Anne

She grabbed Sprigs hand and took him inside her house. She was about to go up the stairs to her room when the door opened.

"Anne, who's the boy?" Asked her mom

She turned around and saw her parents. They were confused

"He's a friend." Said Anne

"What's he doing here? Shouldn't he be at the orphanage?" Asked her mom


"The orphanage where I live just got broken, at least that's what the people there told me. Anne was looking for you, so she could ask if I could stay here until the orphanage is fixed again." Said Sprig

Anne and Sprig smiled awkwardly 😬😬

"Well Honey what do you think?" Asked Anne's dad

"Well Anne could use a friend and he looks trustworthy unlike her other friend." Said her mother

Her mom whispered that part but Anne could hear it.

"Okay then Anne, I guess even after everything that happened you don't deserve to be totally miserable." Said Anne's Dad

"Yes! Thank you Dad!" Said Anne

She and Sprig ran up the stairs to her room

"Welcome to my room!" Said Anne

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