Chapter 7

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It was a Saturday morning, Sprig was looking at the chest and the books, Anne was still sleeping.

"Okay so it'll let me go home when I solve a problem but what problem needs to be solved? My irresponsibility? Or Maybe ..... Anne's friend problem?" Thought Sprig

He looked at Anne, she looked so peaceful when she was asleep.

"Maybe I need to solve both." Said Sprig

He then heard Yawning. It was coming from Anne

"Sprig what are you doing?" Asked Anne

"Me? Oh I'm just doing research on the chest." Said Sprig

"At 4:00 A.M?" Asked Anne

"Heh heh. Sorry." Said Sprig

"No it's fine." Said Anne

She walked over to Sprig and looked at him and then the books.

"Hey Sprig, I just want you that I will always have your back and I promise, I'll help you find a way to get home." Said Anne

"Thanks Anne that means a lot to me. ..... Anne?"

Anne fell asleep on his shoulder. She then immediately woke up.

"I'm awake! Anyway you can count on Anne Boonchuy to get the chest to take you home again!" Said Anne confidentially.

She then fell asleep on Sprigs shoulder again. She didn't wake up this time. Sprig smiled at Anne and picked her up, carrying her back to her bed. He smiled at her again and went back to the Mattress he was sleeping on.

A couple hours later it was 10:00 A.M and Sprig was still asleep while Anne was awake. He then woke up, mostly because the sun was shining on him. He was about to walk downstairs when he heard a ding. He saw Anne's phone and looked at it, it showed a message from Sasha

Great news Anne! I get to go back to school starting on Monday! Bad news though, you won't get to go back because my mom can only get me back into school and not you. Don't worry though, I'll help you catch up on your schoolwork! TTYL 😝

Sprig looked surprised. He couldn't believe that Sasha didn't let Anne go back to school! He felt angry again and it was all because of this Sasha girl

"Sprig, what are you doing?"

Sprig looked behind him and saw Anne.

"Sorry I heard a ding coming from this weird Square Box." Said Sprig

"It's a phone first of all and second of all what did she say?" Asked Anne

She grabbed her phone and unlocked her phone. She read the message and then started to frown

"What? Sasha gets to go back to school?! While I'm still punished?!!" Yelled Anne

"Maybe she's lying." Said Sprig

"Not likely. This is so unfair!!" Yelled Anne

"Oh it's okay Anne-

"No it's not okay! That's the problem!!! Whatever I do for her isn't enough!! Uhhh sometimes Sasha makes me so angry!!!" Said Anne

She got angrier and angrier and then that's when Sprig really got surprised.

Her eyes turned blue.

Anne got angrier and angrier but then she calmed down.

"Sorry Sprig, it's just that this isn't the first time Sasha left me out like that." Said Anne

"It's okay. I understand why you would get mad, At least flashing your eyes blue calmed you down. I didn't even know Humans could do that!" Said Sprig

Anne blinked at him

"Humans can't do that." Said Anne

"They can't? Oh that's strange, Anyway Anne can I tell you something?" Asked Sprig

"Sure what's up?" Asked Anne

"I think that there could be a possibility that Sasha is ........"

Sprig said nothing. He was afraid about how Anne would respond.

"I think Sasha's a toxic friend." Said Sprig

Toxic Friend

Toxic friend

Toxic Friend

Those words repeated in Anne's head. No Sasha couldn't be a toxic friend, Could she? Sasha acted terribly towards her but there were some times where Sasha was a good friend. It was thanks to Sasha that she was protected from Bullies, and they did have happy moments together.

"I ..... I just don't know what to do about Sasha." Said Anne

Sprig hated seeing her like this. They stayed quiet for a while.

"Umm I have to go. I have to help my parents at the restaurant." Said Anne

Sprig looked at Anne's phone. It was still unlocked and then he grabbed it.

"Okay Anne said something about wanting to call Marcy, so how do I call someone?" Asked Sprig

He looked at Anne's WhatsApp and saw a button that looked like a camera 🎥. He clicked on it and then the screen went black for a second. He saw himself and heard a noise coming from the phone. He finally saw Sasha.

"Huh? Oh hey Sprigy!" Said Sasha

"Don't call me that." Said Sprig

"Sprigy, why do you look so serious? What's wrong?"

"You hurt Anne!" Said Sprig

"What do you mean? I never hurt Anne before, I'm her friend." Said Sasha

"Are you kidding me?! Of course you hurt her. First of all I heard that conversation you had with her about sneaking out of school! You forced her to sneak out and she didn't want to sneak out!" Said Sprig

"She had fun!" Said Sasha

"She got suspended because of you! And I bet you did lots of other things to her! You are a terrible friend!!!"

"Listen Sprigy, If it wasn't for me, She wouldn't have any friends! Why aren't you harassing Marcy about this?! Said Sasha angrily

"Because she's a good friend unlike you! You are a terrible friend!" Said Sprig

"I'm not a terrible friend!" Said Sasha

Sprig sighed

"Sasha, I'm sorry I called you a terrible friend. It's just that you're just so rude to Anne and you force her to do things you don't want to do. I'm not gonna say anything anymore, just ask yourself this. Is this what true friendship's about?" Asked Sprig

He clicked the red button and hung the phone. He then put it back on Anne's desk and went to the Thai Go restaurant.

"I'm not a bad friend! Right? I mean this isn't the first time someone told me I'm a bad friend. I protect Anne and I make her do Fun things. I do the same thing for Marcy and she never called me a bad friend." Thought Sasha

I'm definitely not a bad friend


And we'll stop here!!!! This story's getting so suspenseful. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wonder what will happen next? Wait ... of course I know, I'm the author! 😆 See you next time! Peace ✌️

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