I've had enough

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Rin went to class like any other day. Yeah the very some old 'good' day, starting with whispering behind his back when he walked in the hallway then followed by some glares or even some students bumping into him on purpose. In the classroom  he sat in the further place of the room next to the window. Most of his classmates avoided him and didn't sat next to him or even went near him. The ones that were sitting next to the small teenager were the bullies. Always picking on him, always hurting him, one day they went so far that even a teacher needed to stop them. The teachers didn't like him either or just pitied him because he was always alone or covered in bandages. Some of them were genuinely worried about him seeing how thin he slowly became or on how he seemed to never treat his wounds correctly. But his brother wish to be a doctor so he must have treated him right? I mean he, the well known Yukio Okumura who has obtained a scholarship. Who is kind to everyone and who is liked by everyone, would treat his own brother's wounds right? Well he didn't. He's never there when Rin goes back to the dormitory. The only time the brothers see each other is at the cram school where Rin is also treated badly. The only person who didn't change is Izumo but she wasn't really friendly from the start but she does try her best. The second would be Shura but all she says is how he's a weapon trained to kill others demons.

That day, the harsh words said by his fellows classmates, both in the normal and in the cram school, made him feel even more bad. He wanted to cut his arms wide open just to feel the feelings that came with. Don't misunderstand. He doesn't like pain but do like the reminder of what it is like to feel pain or to feel the adrenaline that came from the thought of being spot on and the shame of explain why he did it. Or even maybe the sadness of the look that person would give him, that person wouldn't care right? He was a monster, he was a demon, he was a pathetic piece of garbage that forgetting even what it is like to feel even if he does have emotions. He's a person that don't belong to the human's world but that doesn't mean he belongs to the demon's world. He just doesn't belong anywhere.

The beating was getting more and more violent. But he liked the way he was getting what he deserved for living in a world where he didn't belong. When he returned to his room he thought to himself.

'That can't continue! I had enough of this bullshit! If they want a weapon then a weapon they shall have!' The next day the Rin everyone knew had disappear. Leaving just what they wanted a perfect puppet.

Everyone saw the change in Rin's behaviour. He was topping all of his class but never seemed to be happy about it, well he never showed emotions anymore like he was lifeless. When the exwires went to missions he was doing them perfectly, sometimes he just followed the orders and left behind the morals. In the eyes of the others students and his brother's he looked more like a machine then a living being.

Rin had moved out the room he shared with his twin. But he was still living in the same dormitory. It didn't really matter because the brothers weren't with each other a lot due to the fact that Rin never went out of his room except for taking a quick shower and to go to school. You read it right he doesnt eat or at least not real cook maybe a little snack he bought at a random store. That's why he's like a skeleton.

He can now control his flames perfectly and of course use it on his missions. He was keeping his tail hidden, not for the fact that it was hidden but because it is one of his weakness.

In all the students of cram school and Yukio Okumura started to regret the happy-go-lucky goofy ball of innocence that was Rin before. Now he was just a dull emotionless weapon. He was what they wanted him to be. Isn't that good? Well for Yukio it felt like he failed his father, failed on his purpose of being an exorcist and finally he failed Rin, his last family alive, his brother, his twin.

Rin understood that even his body wasn't his. So he started to eat little things. The minimum to not die but not to gain more weight. He stopped cutting and became the perfect puppet.

But one day in a exceptionally emotional day he decided that he had enough and took one of his gun and holy dagger. He also took a pen. Then he went to roof and start cutting his arms, when they were no places left on his arms, he cut his legs and then when they were no places left on his legs he cut his belly craving the sentence that corresponded him the best 'don't belong anywhere' . He used his blood to write his final letter and the took the gun and shot right where his brother should have shot him on the first day of school.

When Yukio went home that day he had a terrible feeling. A feeling that when he went to see his brother sleeping face that morning was the last time he saw his brother alive. Trusting his instincts he went to where his brother generally goes to clear his mind, the roof. What he saw at that time will always be craved in his mind. There stood the body of his older twin brother in the middle of a puddle of his own blood. He was covered by cut and scars. Wasting no time he call an ambulance and went to his brother's side. He checked his pulse then his eyes widened and tried wake his brother up but nothing do. His only family member left died alone on a roof. He passed out on his brother due to shock and due to the fact that he started crying and screaming for his brother to wake up.
Mephisto feeling something wrong in the air brushed it out as it was nothing but when he heard the ringtone of ambulances he immediately went to where they stopped. He came quicker than the cars so he got to see that gore scenery. His two little brothers covered in blood. One being nothing more now than just a corpse of a broken person and the other passed out but you could see that he broke apart before passing out certainly due to shock and exhaustion. It was surely already too late when Yukio came home.
The next day the death of Rin Okumura and the stop of Yukio Okumura career was announced.

Yukio stopped everything that was related to the Vatican or the exorcist in general. The exwires understood and were feeling all different emotions because of the news. The circumstances of his death were revealed as Yukio wanted to everyone knows how much they destroyed his brother. Within the Kyoto trio Shima was the most destroyed by the new. He never wanted this to happen, he never bad mouthed him or anything like that but he stopped to go talk to him because he was scared of being abandoned by his friends. In fact he always like the happy-go-lucky goofy ball of sunshine teen but now he and the others destroyed him, no killed him. Koneko was feeling very guilty because he let his fear get the best of him and because of that he killed someone he said he would never betray but now here he was, he might no have been holding the gun he was in fact one of his killer. Bon was like Koneko but in the same time he felt like he should have been the one to die because he was one of his biggest bullies. Shima never did something to him he even caught him gaving him an apologetic look. Koneko was afraid of him and was saying things like how his flames could kill us all. But he's the only one that bullied him. Within the girls Izumo was crying all the time now because one of his only friends just killed himself. She tried to make him see life as a good thing when he changed but now she was alone. She still was a bit happy because even if he do have demon's blood she was sure that wherever he was, he was in a better place. Shiemi was blaming herself as well. If she had been a better friend then maybe he would still will be with them. When Shura was informed of her student's death she couldn't help herself but cry. The teen she saw as a person to protect died. But she was sure he was in better place now. She also was worried about Yukio. His brother just died after all.

Yukio was now the depressed one. He couldn't live without his brother and so he joined him. Two days after Rin Okumura death, the death of Yukio Okumura was reported on the news.

The guilt of destroying someone as cheerful and happy will always follow all the person that bring him to chose that path. And for those who didn't know him or his brother pitied them and prayed for them to be happy and well wherever there were. They also prayed for them to be together again.

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