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"So how do you know there's another blimp coming?" Grey asked curiously,
"I saw it in the distance when I was onboard the first blimp" I replied "it was at least 50 miles away"
"Oh.......right" he said shifting his feet nervously "you can see that far?"
"That's far enough to get us all away from here.......to evacuate" smart spoke up
"But we're not gonna evacuate" I told him "whoever it is that started this is gonna regret it because we're taking the fight to them"
"Are you crazy?!" Someone said from the crowd
"Maybe I am and maybe I'm not but I think have a plan" I said then looked at grey
"What?" He asked " why are you looking at me funny"
"You have powers too" I said
"Wait what?!" Smart asked surprised
"Yeah.... What do you mean?" Grey said looking away
"That jab you gave me back at school" I answered
"Yeah what about it?" He grumbled
"No amount of gyming or steroids can give a normal anirian that kind of strength at this age....... You broke a rib and you were restraining yourself" I said to him
"Well....yeah that doesn't prove anything" grey growled silently
"It does, your heart beat just got faster" I said smiling
"Grey.....is that true? You have powers?" smart inquired
"No I don't! Jet's in way over his head! He hit the ground hard when he fell!" Grey growled,
At that I ran off and came back with an anvil
"What's that for?" Izy asked
"I'm gonna throw it at him" I replied
"What the?! How did you even get that here?" Grey asked shocked
"When running or moving at superspeed the weight of certain things decrease by significant amounts to a speedster" I replied "don't worry I don't have super strength too"
"I don't have powers!" Grey yelled already sweating
"Then I guess we shall see" I said as I started to vibrate my body really fast
"I don't think this is a good idea" smart said
"No it really isn't!" Grey yelled "I don't have powers!"
"Then I guess this might hurt" I said as I picked up the anvil still vibrating my body
"Might? It could kill him" izy said
Grey tried to run so I threw the anvil at him
BOOOM! went grey and the anvil as he crashed into the wall when the anvil hit him, the entire building shook as the wall came down, everyone was coughing because there was dust everywhere but I just stood there smiling
"What have you done?" Izy asked
"See for yourself" I told her
"What do you........?" She said before stopping to look in Grey's direction
As the dust was setting everyone in the room gasped because he was there, still standing firm and unharmed with the anvil badly crushed in his left hand,
"You know I could have died if I didn't have powers" grey said as he dropped the deformed anvil smiling
"Not sure about that" I said "i would have pulled you away before the anvil killed you but then you'd be useless cause most of your bones would have been broken" I said smiling back at him
"Why you little devil" he said smirking "so we cool?" He said letting out a hand
"Yeah we're cool" I said shaking his hand
Then he grabbed me and jabbed me again "that's for dumping me in a river and throwing an anvil at me" he said smiling like a demon
"Nnnnngrhh!" I muttered as I crumpled to the ground in pain "urgh......I'll have to.......get used...to that"
"So let's hear your plan jet" grey said cracking up hard
"You bully" Izy said to grey while helping me up
"Urnhgh" I moaned as i got up "thanks.......izy" i said looking at her in the eye, I could've sworn I saw her blush,
"You're we...welcome" she stammered
"Ahem! So here's the plan" I said letting go of her hand, I could tell I was blushing too because grey was laughing like he was gassed.
"When the second blimp gets here............" I started "............smart and izy will move everyone else to a safer place then grey and I would engage it, we should be able to..............." I continued for over 20 minutes before concluding ".........so we'll be able to bring this maniac to justice"
"I think this could work" smart said
"It has to" I replied "its our only chance"
"And for those we lost today" izy added
"Yeah yeah whatever" grey said "let's get this over with" he beckoned before jumping out the window and landing on the ground several feet below in a loud thud
"Here goes" I said before running out the building in a blue streak of lighting and stopping beside grey,
"What took you so long?" Grey asked
"Haha very funny grey" I said and rolled my eyes
"Here it comes" grey said looking into the sky
"Get ready" I said tensed as the blimp approached us overhead,
"That is one big blimp" grey pointed out
"Yeah it's actually bigger than I expected" I replied as the blimp flew over us and headed deeper into the city "I guess no need for izy and smart to move everyone else from where they are"
"Come on let's go!" Grey said as he jumped after the blimp cracking the floor where he was standing and filling my fur with dust and sand
"Plssssttttbb! Show off" I said spitting out dirt and dusting off all the sand from my fur "jerk" I muttered before running after him,
The blimp finally stopped above the imperial tower in the centre of the city as it started dropping mutants and robots on the city,
"What's it doing" grey asked as I halted beside him
"Dropping mutants and robots on the city duhh!" I answered him "are you blind?"
"Whatever dude" he growled "just let me at them!" He said pounding his right fist against his left palm,
"Yeah whatever.......how strong are you really?" I asked curiously
"Oh I can lift a several million tons" he replied
"Wow......that's a lot" I remarked "So why did you lie about your powers?" I asked wondering
"I don't know........maybe because I was scared of what people would think of me or something like that" he said with his ears hanging down "hey! Enough talking and more smashing!" He yelled as he jumped into the centre of the robots and started smashing them and ripping them apart,
"I get that feeling too......." I said to myself before running in to join him "come to daddy" I said as my claws extended out of my fingers and I started to slash and rip through the mutants, I wasn't too surprised by the fact that grey and I made a good team, we actually had a lot in common except he had a big ego, was a bully and was from the canine family, we slashed and smashed our way through the mutants and robots driving them back and having fun with it till suddenly a voice came from the blimp's speakers
"And what's this?!" The voice said "who dares oppose the great genius venevedart?!"
"Great at least now we know his name" I said slashing a mutant's head off
"Got that right" grey said holding up a robot and laughing "venevedart? what sort of name is that?" He said cracking up
"Toss me" I told him,
At that he ripped the robot in half and grabbed my arms
"Brace yourself" he said as he swung me around furiously and flung me towards the blimp with so much force that all the sand within a mile radius blew off
"Yeeeeeeeeeee" I yelled as I shot off into the air towards the blimp, I threw a back flip midair and landed on the blimp with my feet "purrrrrfect landing" I said smiling
BOOOM! From below grey jumped and landed on the blimp nearly knocking it out of the air,
"What the!? We have intruders! Get them!" The venevedart dude yelled on speaker probably from where the control room was and soon the entire deck was filled with cyborg mutants
"I'll leave these ones to you" I said to grey and ran off to search to the control room, when i found it I expected venevedart to be a monkey or a gorilla or a fox or something mischievous or cunning but as I slammed through the door the evil genius was an hawk, a.........white hawk, he had dark glasses on, a curved beak, really long talons on his fingers and toes, really large black and white wings on his back, he had some kind of feather-punk hairstyle and should be older than me with nothing less than 20 years,
"Gah!" Venevedart yelled as I burst into the control room
"You're done for" I said "you messed with the wrong city and got the wrong people killed"
"Who are you to dare defy me?! How did you get here?!"  He yelled and slashed at me with his talons but I easily dodged his attack and kicked him in the face,
"Grnk!" He yelled "you do not know who you're messing with"
"Neither do you" I told him, growling as my claws grew longer
"You've made an enemy today cat, Watch your back because ill be back, I'll rule over this city first then the world and you'd be the first to die!" After saying that he rigged the blimp to blow up and ejected himself out of it "you'll pay for this cat! I promise you!" He yelled as he flew off into the distance,
"That's my cue" I said as I ran to the deck of the blimp to meet grey who was still busy smashing cyborg mutants
"Come on the blimp's gonna blow!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the edge
"Awwwnnn! I was enjoying that" he moped then carried me on his back before leaping off the blimp, I switched roles midair when the blimp exploded as i carried him while running down the side of the imperial tower, i halted and dropped him as I touched ground
"Now that's over let's clear the rest of these mutants and robots" I said to grey but then a strange yellow streak sliced through all of them within seconds and stopped in front of me and grey
"Hey guys" izy said
"Izy? You have powers? Superspeed to be exact?" I asked surprised
"Yeah well I am a cheetah after all" she replied smiling "I'm fast but not all that fast, time doesn't pause or slow down when I run so I have to be really careful on how I run"
"Oh right" I said slapping my head
"Idiot" grey said hitting me hard on the back
"Ow!" I shouted "what was that for?!"
"I don't know" he replied shrugging
"Ugh......" I said annoyed at him
"So now that all this is over what now?" Izy asked
"Now?....Now we rebuild" i replied "and we prepare ourselves for next time because this is far from over".

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