#20 NCT: RenMin

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Little: RenJun (age range non verbal-1)Caregiver: Jaemin

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Little: RenJun (age range non verbal-1)
Caregiver: Jaemin

Jaemin thought it would be easy taking care of a non verbal-1 little. Well he was half right and half wrong. Today he was having a hard time deciding what RenJun wanted.

RenJun: *makes grabby hands*

Jaemin: "Baby boy can you please try to tell Mama want you want."

RenJun: " 'oomin. I wan' 'oomin."

Jaemin: "Oh so you want your plushie."

RenJun nodded.

Jaemin went and grabbed the plush. He handed it to the little.

RenJun: *lifts arms* "Uppies Mama

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RenJun: *lifts arms* "Uppies Mama. I wan' uppies pwease."

Jaemin lifted RenJun. The little made grabby hands at his bottle and paci. Jaemin went and grabbed them both.

 Jaemin went and grabbed them both

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The little laid his head down on Jaemin's shoulder

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The little laid his head down on Jaemin's shoulder. Jaemin went upstairs and laid down on their shared bed.

Jaemin: "Go ahead and sleep baby boy. I know you're tired."

RenJun closed his eyes listening to Jaemin's heartbeat. The little quickly fell asleep after drinking his bottle. Jaemin kissed him on the head.

Jaemin: "Sleep tight little one."

I'm so sowwy fow date updwate Wovewies. I was at my Gwandma's house. Also thank chu fow 1.01k reads. I wuv chu guys.

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