Chapter Six

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The bright LA sun shine down on me as I laid asleep in my comfy bed. Tossing and turn couple times I bring my hands up to my face, rubbing my eyes. Slowly opening my eyes I reach over to my bed side table picking up my phone. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw what the time was.  7 am was written across my screen. Groaning as I put my phone back down, laying my head on my pillow once more. My hands grab ahold of the blankets pulling them over my head, blocking out the sun.

I stayed like that for some time hoping it will be enough for me to fall back to sleep. It was slowly starting to work until I heard loud stomping going around the house, telling me that the little ones are up. I throw the pillows to the end of the bed and sat up. Swinging my tan legs over the side of my bed, letting out a deep breath as I stretch out my arms. I let my arms fall to my side as I stand up.

Walking into the bathroom I turn on the water letting it heat up while I strip off my pajamas. I felt the hot water sting my skin as I step into the shower. I adjust the water temperature a little before starting my daily routine.

Once I was done in the shower I turned off the water before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my body as I step out of the shower and into the cold bathroom.

Picking up my pajamas I exit out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom throwing my clothes on the bed and picking up my phone from the desk beside my bed.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a bowl of cereal quick before heading out into the city.  I place on bowl on the cool marble island top and pull out the stool just enough for me to slide my ass in. Typing in my passcode and unlocking my phone I open up the app TikTok and started scrolling through my for you page as I ate my cereal.

Eating the last bite of cereal I stood up from my stool and picked up the bowl and walking over to the sink and placing it in it.  Turning back to the island and picking up my phone once more I headed over to the front door.

Swinging the door open and stepping out onto the wooden porch and feeling the cool LA breeze whisper through my long brown hair. I let out sigh and smile as I shut the door behind me, walking further away from the porch and out onto the sidewalk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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