Humans always seem to think time travel is impossible and unreal.
When infact it is unreal it is not impossible.
Physically your in your room, on a subway, or even around a fire with relatives.
Your mind travels back in time or foward.
That time you had your first kiss, graduation, or getting married.
You remember this as if you where there.
The taste of the wedding cake, the feeling you had from the kiss, and the feeling of being scared, sad and free at graduation.
What brings us back is something as simple as a song, the sight of your kids wedding, and the name of the car you had that kiss in.
So take these words, so when your old, with gray streaks, and doing puzzels.
Time travel.
Brown Eyes
PoetryWords typed to show my view on life, love, youth and other thoughts that you might find crazy, too mystical and cheesy.