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Rumeenah awoke early that morning. She got up and brushed her black and brown hair. She put on a tunic and coat. She jumped down stairs. She went to the giant kitchen table that had fruit and bread on it. She took some. Rumeenah then sat down holding her dagger in hand.

 " good Morning rumeenah." She heard her father say from behind her.

 "Morning papa." She said tracing the lettering on the blade. 

 Rumpelstiltskin walked over to the table and ate some bread. 

 "Ready for today?" He asked holding out his dagger. 

 " Yes! " Rumeenah smiled.

Rumpelstiltskin waved his hand and they where in a forest. He walked up to her daughter and put a blindfold on her. She sat down and crossed her legs. 

"Breathe" he said. " Hold the dagger closely. Hear the whispers. Hear the taunts. Feel the power. " rumple sat down with her. 

"What do you feel?" He asked.

"A darkness. " Rumeenah said breathless.

"Much more than on the isle." Rumeenah hummed with a childlike smile on her face. "So much more." She laughed. 

" Breathe Rumeenah. " her father reminded her. 

Rumeenah took a deep breath. She slowly exhaled. Thousands of whispers surrounded her but they all spoke the same. But all completely different. 

"Now what do you hear." He asked.

" The wind" she said taking a deep breath. "The birds." "Your voice." "the dagger."

" Good, now what does it say?" Rumple asked.

"S-so much" she stuttered trying to take a breath. "It tells me to get more power. It tells me to kill those who hurt me." Rumeenah said. "But it also tells me pain is power. And love is weakness." Rumeenah laughed harder her voice making the birds in the flee.

 " Rumeenah!" Rumple yelled taking off her blind fold. Her eyes were filled with a bloodlust that quickly faded away. Rumeenah took a deep breath in. 

 "What did you feel?" He asked.

 " Darkness. And cold. But I grew comfortable in it. I soon felt warm but it wasn't warm it was bitter cold trying to fool me. But it felt safer after a while. Like I couldn't escape. " Rumeenah looked down. 

 "Dark magic." Rumple held his hand out. " magic is like a pool." A raven flew down and landed on his hand "no one knows how to swim so instead normal people take their hands and dish some out and are happy. Dark ones usually swim but soon they drown. You went straight to drowning. " her father taught her. Rumeenah looked up. 

 " But if you sink you will be forever lost in darkness. " he said.

 "Teach me ." Rumeenah tightened her grip on the dagger. 

 "Crocodile, soon you will float and later you will be better than anyone before.

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