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Hane laughed as they saw Rumeenah weep threw the magic mirror.

"Pathetic. Just like her father." They said smiling in her cottage. 

Hane turned to look at their clock. Hane sighed and waved their hand. blue smoke covered them and they appeared at the auradon castle. 

A school rally was happening and fairy godmother had a microphone. 

They appear next to her. They smiled and the entire audience gasped and whispered. 

"Who are you?" Fairy god mother asked. 

"My name is Hane. And I will make sure you will all suffer. I am casting a curse to take you all to another realm." Hane said smiling.

Mal stood up. "I don't know who you are but you will not make anyone suffer. " 

"Weren't you listening? My name is Hane. And you will all suffer for what you've done." Hane said annoyed. 

"And what have we done?" Ben said standing up next to mal. 

Hane smiled and waved her hand blue magic washed over her. She was gone. 


Hane swung open the door to the dining room in Rumeenah's castle using magic. 

"I need your help." Hane said smirking. "I have a dragon problem." Hane walked over and looked at the messy room. 

"I'm afraid I'm not open for business right now, dearie." Rumeenah said mixing tea. Her back was turned. Her hair was messy and her eyes where stained with tears. 

"Oh you poor thing. Upset about your little maid?" Hane smiled. 

"I could care less about her." Rumeenah Grabbed a potion from her shelf and poured it on her drink.

"Poor thing. Family disowned her. Jumped of the bridge. Fairy godmother found the body. To bad fish ate her she was horribly beautiful. " Hane played with their own hair.

Rumeenah held the teacup tight. "She died?" Rumeenah asked holding it even tighter. 

"Yes. Well any way, you might wanna get a new maid rumy. The place is looking a little messy." Hane smiled as she left. 

Rumeenah turned around and threw a empty bottle at the door. 


Days past and Rumeenah cleaned up the room with magic. She replaced and fixed everything. 

She was mixing potions. She waved her hand and teleported away. 


A girl  sat on a cliff. She looked down. "Don't be frightened small one." A green fairy said. she started flying as a small bug but then grew to be a normal sized person. She was tan with a sparkly green dress. She had a long wand a elegant hands. 

"Who are you?" The girl asked in fear. She had bright blue eyes and blonde hair. 

"I'm your fairy god mother!" The green fairy smiled.

The girl's eyes lite up. Then out of no where the green fairy turned to stone then to dust. The girl screamed. 

Rumeenah stepped out of the shadows. She walked over to the pile of ash. She bent over and picked up the wand. 

"I hate fairies." Rumeenah mumbled. 

"What did you do to my fairy god mother?" The girl screamed. 

"I saved you dearie." Rumeenah said smiling. "All magic comes with a price." Rumeenah smiled and started to walk away.

"Wait!" The girl said. Rumeenah smirkered and turned around. 

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