Chapter 2 Where?

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           Jimin arrived at SunJin's house at around 7:15. He waited outside in his car for about 5 minutes. He texted her several times but SunJin had her phone on silent. He decided to go up to the door and knock.  SunJin was journaling when she heard a knock on the door. Her mom answered the door and saw Jimin. "Sunjin-ah" She called. "Jimin's here!" She yelled to SunJin. "Okay Eomma, i'll be there in a second." She yelled back.  she got her backpack and packed her phone, gum, her journal, and her water bottle. She quickly went downstairs, got her shoes and went with Jimin.  They got into Jimin's car and drove to a park.  They arrived at the park and walked along the trail, talking.  "So..." Jimin said awkwardly.  Since SunJin confessed it had been super awkward when they talk. "SunJin-ah, we should just talk how we normally do. nothing is different right?" Jimin said. "Right." Sunjin said.  SunJin covered her face with her sleeves. She was embarrassed that she had confessed but she knew that she would've regretted not doing it. "Um Jimin-ah would you like to have dinner tonight

?" She said "Y-yeah let's go!" Jimin said excited. "What are you feeling today?" She asked. " I've been craving samgyeopsal." He said while his stomach growled. "K well let's gooo." SunJin yelled.  "K let's go to the car. Race you there." Jimin yelled. " Hey!!! No fair!" she yelled back.  Jimin ran super fast to the car but SunJin caught up to him.  They got to the car and stood there for a few seconds to catch their breath.  They got into their car and went to the nearest samgyeopsal restaurant.  They went into the restaurant and SunJin pulled out her bullet journal and her supplies. "What's that?" Jimin asked. "O-oh this." SunJin said. "Um this is my journal." She said kind of shyly. Jimin took her journal and started reading it out loud. "Heyy give it back!!" She yelled quietly. She got out of her chair and tried to get her journal back. " *cough* Excuse me." the waiter said. SunJin got back into her chair. "Um I'll have the samgyeopsal juseyo." Jimin said. they got their food in 5 minutes and watched their food get cooked in front of them. They watched as the pork got cooked and began to eat. They finished eating about 15 minutes after their food got cooked. the waiter came with the check. SunJin was about to pay when Jimin grabbed her hand and put his credit card on the plastic plate. "No no no, this is my treat." SunJin said grabbing his credit card. "fine, but next time i'm paying." He said. "Deal." She replied. She gave back Jimin's credit card and put hers on the plate. In total the dinner was about 2392 won. They stayed at the restaurant so SunJin could write in her Journal. Jimin just played on his phone. 


July 7, 2020

Today I confessed to Jimin. I can't believe that he actually likes me. I always thought he only liked me as a friend. Well today we went to the park and ate samgyeopsal. It was delicious.  I think we'll go back home and talk for awhile maybe. -SunJin.

"K I'm done let's go." SunJin said.  "Ok?" jimin said while he put his phone in his hoodie. "SunJin packed her bag and left with Jimin.  "Let's go home. We can talk a bit." She said quietly trying to get him to agree with her. "Ok." He said focused on his game. SunJin held his hand to make sure he didn't bump into people. They went to the car and sat there for a while. After Jimin stopped playing his game he started driving. He played TXT's "eternaly".  SunJin heard the lyrics "Don't go breaking my heart. don't go." She kept it playing over and over in her head. She thought as if Jimin played that song intentionally and meant that he was happy he didn't break her heart. She wondered if he already knew that she liked him. Was it really that obvious?  They where in traffic, this was here chance to ask him all her questions. "Jimin-ah, did you play that song on purposed?" She asked. "Yeah, what's wrong with it." He said confused. "Oh- um nothing i just though-" She said while she got cut off. "Thought what!?" Jimin said confused and slightly annoyed. "Um i thought you mean to play it because of the lyrics." She said honestly. "The l-lyrics says, don't go breaking my heart, don't go." She said trying to get him to get what she was saying.  "Uh- n-no it's just a good song." He responded. "O-oh." she said looking down in embarrassment.  SunJin found this position comfortable and fell asleep.

A/N: Sorry this came out so late. I didn't know what to do. it's super cringey so sorry for that. i'm going to do a chapter for both Jimin and Rose. and then Jimin and then Rose. that's how the chapters are going to go. -Jimyuli

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