Chapter 4 United Again

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 Jimin and SunJin continued to date. Although it didn't go as expected. You see, Jimin thought being in a relationship would mean he wasn't as lonely. But some things don't go as you expected. 



It was almost summer and Jimin was working super hard. Pulling all-nighters once a week. Ya know.... like most college students. Jimin and Sunjin haven't seen each other that much that month. Sunjin went to a different college then Jimin. He became more lonely then he was before he started dating Sunjin.

summer quickly arrive. finally after all the lonely nights Jimin could finally see Sunjin. Jimin's parents didn't let him see Sunjin. They wanted him to become a businessman like most people. he needed to study hard and have no distractions. He was so excited to finally see her. They met up at their favorite cafe, Magnate. Jimin was waiting for SunJin. finally she arrived. Jimin's face lit up when he saw Sunjin. She looks even more beautiful then before! Jimin thought. Sunjin ran to Jimin who was sitting outside. Jimin stood up and Sunjin ran into his arms. Jimin swinging Sunjin around in an embrace was just the thing to make Jimin's day. To make things better it was a beautiful day. "How've you been?" Jimin asked. "...."  Sunjin said nothing. She felt guilty. Guilty that Jimin never talked. Guilty that she was never there for him. But most importantly guilty that she didn't miss him. "W- Is something wrong?" Jimin asked.  Sunjin looked down. A pool of tears started to form. Falling down like leaves in autumn.  Sunjin cried and cried. guilt formed inside of her unable to escape. "I-im *sniffle* sorry." Sunjin said. She ran away crying. the weather changed to rain pouring down. (what kind of kdrama did this turn into so sorry) what did i do? Jimin thought. I thought she would be happy to see me. with no one to eat with he went inside by himself. His hand lonely without someone to hold it. "for one please" he yelled at the waiter closest to him. today was a special day but Sunjin appeared to have forgotten. It was their anniversary. Although a special day for most couples it wasn't to Jimin and Sunjin. Jimin even gotten Sunjin a present but alas she didn't care for him anymore. 


Sunjin still crying, walked along the wet and slippery sidewalk in Busan. Wishing she could change everything that just happened. Thoughts slipped away from her mind as she slipped on the hard sidewalk. About to fall, Sunjin saw a shadow. A man, tall and handsome with a smile no one can resist. Sunjin with her eyes shining as her tears fall down looks at the man. A smile starts to form.  For a spit second Sunjin felt happiness again. But reality came back and hit her hard. What seems to be a happy moment for a blossoming pair became everything but that. they where in a alarming position. With Jimin inside their favorite cafe a couple steps from the parking lot, Jimin could easily see them. Sunjin noticed Jimin sitting down near a window. Please just once, don't look for me. SunJin thought. Instead of getting out that position and walking away she stayed praying he didn't look. She prayed and prayed, and nothing happened. With her wet hair and wet clothes she was freezing. No jacket, no umbrella, and most importantly no one to keep her warm. The man put her back to standing up. He looks fimiliar. Who is it thought? Sunjin thought. She squinted her eyes. Was this a way to find out who he was? she kept staring at his face and suddenly, a idea popped in her head. "Wait are you in my class?" Sunjin asked. She was confused but slightly happy. Could it possibly ber her classmate? Or could it be an old friend?  "Wait Jackson?!" Sunjin asked. Jackson was Sunjin's old friend. He moved to a different school when they were younger so they lost touched....

Rose and Lisa still haven't made up yet. Rose ignored her texts from Lisa completely. 


Chaeyoung can we talk

Read 12:45

This went on for multiple weeks. One of Rose's favorites spots in Seoul is Cats  Living  a cat cafe. She loves the soft caresses of the cats head. it's a place where she can just be herself. Not trying to impress someone. Who might this someone be? Who is she pressured by? Herself? Family? Minho?..... But there she doesn't need to think about anything and anyone. Here she can be guilt-free. throwing out all her current thoughts about Lisa and her company she went inside. She bowed as her favorite cat Monnie came to her and licked her hand. "the usual please!" She asked and went to the barista to pay. She sat down and Monnie came back to lick her hand. She got her iced americano an took photos for her instagram. 

Lisa knew exactly where she was. Looking back at her thoughts she started to cry. Rose please don't leave me. a tear started falling..... Rose had been her best friend ever since college. she helped her go through hard times so Lisa thought she would help her. At the verge of having a total meltdown she gathered all her courage and went to Rose. In about 20 minutes she made it to the cafe. Wondering is Rose had left already she got out of the car to see that she parked 4 spaces away from her. On Chaeyoung's end she had no idea why Lisa's car was there but she didn't care. Why would Lisa be made at me for doing my job?  Rose thought. Although her thoughts were interrupted by a bell ringing.  Lisa came inside wearing a big mom jeans with a crop top, a tan jacket, and a mask. Chaeyoung was staring at Lisa with a stick eye. Lisa sat at a table next to Rose. She knew it would have been awkward to talk and she knew that Rose wouldn't answer. Lisa took out a piece of paper and a gel pen. "Chaeyoung can we talk?" was written on the paper. Lisa passed the paper to Rose and the pen. "what do you want?" Rose said out loud.  "We need to talk." Lisa said  putting her hand out for Chaeyoung to grab. "Follow me we can't talk inside." Lisa said. Chaeyoung grabbed her hand and followed her.......

A/N Sorry i haven't posted in so long. and sorry that this chapter is super long. Make sure to stay tuned. will sunjin and Jimin get their special connection back? Will Rose and Lisa make up?


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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