meeting up

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Taylor look at the picture on her bedside table, for a while she just stare at it and felt it looking back, she used to think about him some times but since his text her thoughts became constant, she didn't know why she didn't feel like hanging out she just wanted to stay in bed but she had promised Stefanie and Keith that they would hand Stefanie and Keith Lukas were her friends both her's  and Brett's as well, from ever since they knew they use to be friends it was Stefanie who introduced them and he introduced Keith to Stefanie they started hanging out together they had parted but they both knew she never stop loving him, she tries dating and to think of it tonight they were meeting at Fitz for a drink,  Teddy Timinson was expecting to be her date, or Timeinson she wasn't all that sure it was something anyway, she told herself she's over Brett knowing that she date just to distract herself but it wasn't working one bit, it's been four months and she barely remember his name she knew that much that he's a lawyer for they all work together since of late he recently moved to Los Angeles like herself who was here not very long,
she took a shower rumble through her closet for something not so fancy but sexy and let her feet attractive showing off her size four figure she brush her hair down her shoulder shaking it to get that loose end she like her dark brown shine and drop on her shoulder her brown eyes sparkle as they stare back at her,
"Hi you're here" Stefanie said as she got up to meet Taylor as they share a hug she could see Teddy's smiling face she greet him with a wave,
"Hey"  Taylor said as she hug Mel, hug Luke and Keith,
"Taylor meet Nicole and Rick" Stefanie said Taylor grin at the new couple as she reach across to shake hand,
Taylor was still standing when Rick said, "they're here now" Taylor didn't let herself turn around until she heard the male voice, she turn to look and was astonished when her eyes behold Brett young she had no idea on receiving his text only few days a go that he would actually be in California, she was more expecting him to be more on the country side since he was busy now with country music she has heard a few of his songs not bad for a baseball player she thought but wonder how he balance himself doing both baseball and music, she heard his career has grown over the two years they haven't been together she was happy for him glad for him, the woman next to him stand up to his six feet six inches high stood hanging on to his shoulder, she didn't add up to him make her wonder if he was comfortable with her, not that she wasn't pretty with a good looking body, but it looks odds for a man Brett's size to be dating a woman as tall as he is, she wondered if he was with her for date sake like she was with Teddy or he has finally move on, she wondered why he had text her if it was just to say hello as he said,
She admire the woman for a while, she has long dark hair somewhere between dark drown or completely black,
"Taylor meet Brett, Brett young probably heard about him anyway" Mel said hugging Taylor  turning to smile at Brett, Taylor didn't miss the way Stefanie look at her, she knew if she turn to look at Keith he would stare at her in the  same way Stefanie was,
Taylor stood with a stare her lips part but she remains speechless,
"Brett this is Taylor she's our group member we work together"
"Hey" his hoarse voice said causing Taylor to have a tremmer he extend an arm to her it took her a shy moment before she took his hand feeling herself shiver she pull away rubbing her fingers over each other,
"This is Ruth" Mel continue to say
"Hello" Taylor say shaking hands with her,
"Teddy meet Brett" Mel said Teddy got up from his seat a wild grin on his face, "Brett young, you're the man I'm such a big fan, I've heard your music I must say you got great tune" he said
"thanks man" Brett said
Stefanie look at Taylor with a smirk,
Brett greet Nicole and Rick as they had met before, and Luke that he too was familiar with
"Well we're all here, let's sit" Nicole said
Taylor sat next to Teddy, only to face Brett who looks right at her on sitting down, she tries to keep her eyes away but wasn't it hard he was still so handsome like the times they were together nothing really changes to think of apart from a little extra hair around his face she always thought facial hair fits him perfectly that was when he didn't let them grow wild like he use to sometimes, she can't for get how tickling they were they barely could make out with out her grinning, she drawn up a picture of them  rubbing and touching her lips on his as they sway to a music only they could hear, he  gave such good love, love she often find herself missing and to think she haven't, haven't in the time they had part,
"Should we order up?" Nicole ask looking around the table, "what you think guys think?"
"Yeah we should order, I'll have a whiskey trace with ginger ale, what you guys having"
"what happen man plan to burn some fat?" Keith tease,
"yeah and perspire too" Brett said
"create a little wetness too while sweating" Rick added,
Brett knew where it was going, "hey let's order" he said before Rick continue he snap his finger for the waitress who happens to pass their way, she came over and he place his order, bring over a bottle of  whiskey with some  ginger ale" he told her, looking around the table,
"I'll have what you're having" Ruth said her hand went to Brett's shoulder again
Rick order a Brandy wine  for himself and Nicole, while Stefanie and Keith has cognac, Mel and Luke drank Vermonth Teddy has Scotch, and Taylor drank a pink lady a fruit cocktail,
Everyone turn to look her way when she ordered her drink,
She caught their eyes she wasn't a heavy drinker that they all know but on a night like this they weren't expecting her to order up pink lady cocktail.
She didn't speak when she saw them looking at her, she took two sip rest the glass down and sit back,
"My client is high on winning this case" Rick said out of the blue,
"I'm sure you'll work hard enough to get him off" Luke told him,
"today I have a good trial I'm sure in a week from today they'll read that guy his rights and put him away"
"Everytime we get together we talk about work, what the heck can't we just step out the office and leave the job there it's Friday night let's do something different" Taylor growl shook her head and took another drink,
"that's very touching Taylor but sitting at the same table with your man what else can you talk about" Mel ask
"It's hard not to talk about work Taylor our job is part of our everyday life" Nicole said
"for you it is on a weekend I'm done with work I just want to curl up on my sofa and" Taylor was saying until Stefanie cuts her off
"And watch CMT" Stefanie said
"You go country?" Ruth ask
Taylor frown click her tongue then nod, "yes I'm definitely in to country music"
"Anyone special?" Ruth ask
She fight her eyes not to look his way she didn't want to look his way, she had heard his music on CMT and came to love his music she always on her free time curl up hoping that he'll be on, she tried  not to answer,
"Speaking of hey BY you should definitely do something for us tonight" Keith said
Brett shook his head, "not tonight man!"
"Why not Taylor had heard you on the radio, she had never heard your live performance, and I bet she's the only one who haven't got your live performance yet" Stefanie said to Brett turning to look at Taylor, "I am right aren't I Taylor wouldn't you love to see him perform"
Taylor look from Stefanie to Brett who sat across the table from her, she would definitely want to see that but she has no intention on revealing that not now when he was sitting right there  facing her.

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