-17- 🌹 No Matter What

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^ Victor & Isabel Grey

"She said, 'I love you no matter what. I just want you to be happy and always be who you are'. She wrapped her arms around me, said, 'Don't try to be what you're not. Cause I love you no matter what'. She loves me no matter what."
~Calum Scott, 'No Matter What


*Landon's POV*

With Ryland's hand clasped firmly around mine, I take a deep breath and lead us into the restaurant.

The scent of my family makes it easy for me to locate their table. I tell the hostess who we're meeting with and head over to the table. My mom is the first to notice us, glancing up and smiling at me. Her emerald eyes fall down to our hands before moving back up to Ryland's face, obvious confusion yet joy etched in her expression.

Within the past two years, my mom has tried to convince me to start dating again. She said there are plenty of wolves without mates, or even humans or witches that I could try dating. I'd always been adamant that I didn't want to date, so I'm willing to bet this comes as a shock to her.

Not nearly as big of a shock, though, when she finds out we're actually mates.

"Landon," my mother greets in her usual warm tone, one that instantly relaxes me. This makes everyone else at the table look up at us, and I feel Ryland's nerves rolling off of him. I squeeze his hand, reminding him that he's okay.

Lia smiles widely when she looks at our clasped hands, while Xander gives me a small grin and Enzo offers an approving nod. His wife, Lilian, is at his side with their two daughters. Opal and Amethyst squeal when they see me, jumping out of their seats and racing over before Lilian can grab them.

Laughing, I stoop down so they can wrap their little arms around my neck. The 3-year-old twins hug me tightly, giggling like crazy. I pull back, smiling as I admire my beautiful nieces.

Both having inherited their mother's black hair and tan complexion, the main differentiating features are their eyes. Whereas Opal has her mother's light brown eyes, Amethyst has Enzo's blue eyes; the same ones my father passed down to me and my siblings.

"Opal, Amy," I smile, ruffling their hair. "How are my favorite girls?"

"Where's your girlfriend?" Opal asks, peering around a very amused Ryland. "Auntie Lia says you were bringing someone."

"Why would you think I was bringing a girl? You two are the only girls I need."

"Thanks a lot!" Lia calls out from the table, making me snicker.

"Come on, go sit with your mom," I say, lightly pushing their backs until they're scrambling over to their seats. Standing up, I reclaim Ryland's soft hand before leading him to the table.

"Hi, Ry," Xander says softly, making my mom blink in surprise that Xander already knows who our guest is.

"Hey, Xander," Ryland grins, and I can feel him starting to relax a bit. I smile gratefully at Xander before pulling the chair out for Ryland. We take our places between Lia and Xander, with Ryland next to the latter since they're already comfortable around each other.

"Ryland, I'd like you to meet my family," I gesture to the smiling yet curious faces surrounding us. "These are my parents, Victor and Isabel. Mom, dad, this is Ryland Ambrose."

"Hi, it's great to finally meet you," Ryland beams, reaching across the table to shake my parents' hands.

"I-It's nice to meet you too," my mom smiles quizzically yet politely. My dad says nothing, but he gives me a secret smile that says he's happy I'm introducing someone to them.

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