Accepting Fate

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Chase grumble as he awoken up of being passed out,the wound in his shoulder still stings when he moves,Marshall and his father where sitting besides him,Marshall treating his wounds,"You shouldn't have done that,"Marshall said in a low tone as he wraps the wound with a cloth,Chase just continued to be quite,not saying anything at all,then Felix sigh,"Chase,about your father,you see his....."he was cut off by a snarling Chase,"Dead,because you killed him,"Chase said in a stern voice,looking at the former king,"No,I could never hurt him,you see the truth is,Brando,your uncle,was the one who killed him,William protected me from him,and.....he was stabbed,I know Brando didn't mean it,I know that his anger towards me drove him to do that,but by the time he left,I could see guilt from his eyes,"Chase was now intrigue in the former kings statement,"I know that he has his reason why he became that way,pain is one of the reason why he change so much,and I can understand that,I hope that one day Chase,you'll understand,"he continued,patting Chase's shoulder,then the king chuckle,"William was a great swordsman,an honourable knight and  I promised your him,I will take care of you,but sadly,Brando took you away,I never heard a word from you since then,and now to see that you're fully grown,I bet you're father is so proud of you,"Felix smiled,looking at the shepperd.

"All this time,I've been living with the canine who killed my father,I can't believe it,"he said,putting both of his hands on his head,his mind is completely flustered,not knowing who was telling the truth, 'Is the former king telling the truth?yet why would he lie,I didn't want to believe him,all my life my mind was all about revenge,but knowing this,I don't know what to do anymore,Brando is..' Chase was cut of in his thought as a warm pair of hands wrap around his trembling body,comforting him,healing him from the agony,"Shh,take your time to understand Chase,I know you'll do the right thing,"Marshall said,still in the embrace,his face right next to him,as Marshall opens his eyes,they developed a small blush, as he realize how far apart their distance is,Chase held Marshall arm in between his neck,"Th....thanks Marshall,I needed that,"he stutter,scratching his cheeck with a finger,they we're cut of by playful caughing sound,they immediately let go of each other,both facing opposite direction,

"So that's it,huh,"Felix said,a slight grin was in his face,"Alright,what do you say,we get out of here,"Felix suggested,earning a tilting head from the two,"How?"they said in unison,Felix grabbed something in his boots,and their falls another key,he heads to the door,and unlocks it,"Always keep a spare key for emergency,"he chuckled,so did the two,Chase took down two of the guards effortless,"Chase and Marshall,you go and stop Brando from announcing himself as the new ruler,I'll catch up with you as soon as  I get Silvian out of our her imprisonment,"

"Got it,"they both said in unison,going in separate ways,

Felix ran upstairs where Silvian is being held captive,preventing her from doing anything.Felix ran in random direction,trying to avoid a fight as possible but it seems that's highly imposibble as knights thst notice him instantly came charging towards him,he had no choice but to knock them back,fighting in a nimble way,making them pass out,not killing them.He finally reached a certain room,guarded by two guards,which means this was it,he did something to distract them,as he caught them off guard,he instantly made them pass out,chopping their neck with his hand,making his way through the door,unlocking it with his spare key,revealing his wife sitting at the corner of their bed,curled up to a ball,Felix was relieved to see his wife uninjured,giving him one of his warmest embrace,"Felix dear,I'm so glad you ok,"She said still in the hug,"Is our son,ok?"she continued,breaking the hug as she looks at her hushband,"Yes,his with Chase,the son of William,"his words made his wife eyes widened,"William's son is alive?"she ask,raising her tone,"And I think I've realized something,I think our son....."he was cut off by a finger placed in his mouth,"let's get to that later dear,right now let's stop Brando from creating chaos,"he nod as they went to where Marshall and Chase are,but unfortunately they were confronted by a number of knights,"Seems it wouldn't be that easy,"Felix added,chuckling.


Meanwhile,Marshall and Chase run towards where Brando was,"Marshall where do you think Brando is?"Chase ask as they run,"I think his in the throne room,making preparation for his coronation,"Marshall answered,as they encounter some knights at the hallway,Chase knocked them away instantly,Marshall knocking some few numbers,as they run towards the door that leads to where Brando is,and so there he was admiring the throne at the thought that soon his gonna sit in it,

"Brando,stop,I know the truth,"Chase said looking at his so called uncle,

"So you've manage to escape,and so did Felix,huh,well then we'll have to settle this the hard way,"Brando said getting in fighting stance,but to their suprise their is a hint of guilt in Brando's eyes,"Brando I don't want to fight you,I was want to talk to you,"Chase explained,sincerely,

"I don't need your councilor!"
-Help me,please!

"All I want is to regain what I deserve!"
-Stop me,please

Was the mixed up thoughts in Brando's mind,completely going bersek,as he launge at the two with hus dagger,they manage to dodge,but sadly Marshall was hit by Brando's fist in his stomach,causing him to caugh hard and making him kneel,Chase got Brando's leg,making him fall over,Brando immediately grab Chase's leg,throwing him to Marshall with the help of his well built body.Marshall and Chase stood up as they continue to fight the dobberman,with all the strength they have,

"All your efforts will be in vain,"Brando smirked,as he got the upperhand,"Weak,weak,weak,both of you are weak!!"he insulted,as he hit both of them in their arms,making them paralized for a moment,"Shall we continue?"Brando said,licking the blood from his claws,the doors flung open,by the former king,"Enough!"he said as he went to thr aid of Chase and Marshall with the help of his wife,"Thanks for holding him out boys,now just rest for a bit,ok.Silvian take care of them,"he said smiling at the two of them who fought hard,as he change his facial expression change to a stern one as he look at the canine who did this,drawing his sword,"FELIX!!!"Brando yelled,"BRANDO!!!"Felix yelled back,as they prepare to launge into each other,

"Let's..... End This Once And For All,"They thought as their blades csme in contact.

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