Bottom: Jeno
Top: Jaemin
All Credits goes to me: bbyjenomnom
#2 topjaemin - September 27, 2020
Sup- I got bored and didn't know what to publish a chapter in this book- so uhm I'm still thinking ideas of those who requested and shit.
Also fyi if you're a little confused, this is from my book "Innocent" but I thought it would be ok-ish to also publish it here- LOL I'M SUCH A BAD AUTHOR MY APOLOGIES
Genre: fluff
Words: 2625
babiejenpup: pick me up at my house Jaeminnie~ 。◕‿◕。
babiejenpup sent an address
butterandjaem: are you sure? Don't wanna make you uncomfortable...
babiejenpup: yes! Of course Nana! Now c'monnnnn I'm excitedddd~
butterandjaem: alright then, see you Jeno
babiejenpup: ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
After the little chat with Jeno, Jaemin may or may have not panicked. Ok he admits he may have a crush on the brown haired cutie, and he did lessen his whole "fucking with strangers- or well anyone" habit –ask Mark, He's never been proud of an idiot before– but it's only been a few weeks, he doesn't want to rush it especially if he's not too sure about this, and Jeno and him barely know each other.
So maybe when the time comes, he needs to change his behavior after all. So here he was, at Jeno's front porch, nervous as hell on what will happen later on, even tho it's possible of him having a crush on Jeno, he feels like picking up his date– this isn't a date...right?
Fuck it he took a deep breathe and finally knocked on the door after 5 minutes being a pussy. The door opened revealing a short male that had similar eyes as Jeno, tho this was one was...intimidating. He cleared his throat and spoke up "hello, goodmorning sir, uhm is Jeno here?" He asked politely thinking this must be someone who took care of Jeno.
"Yep, you're Na Jaemin I assume?" The short boy asked with a protective tone, he nodded "yes sir" feeling like he's being interrogated by a strict parent...which is similar to that. The older– he guesses– hummed "I'm Lee Jihoon, Jeno's older brother, call me Woozi if you will. I'll call him down for you" he introduces himself still having the strict gaze, the blue haired boy gave his best smile at him as a response.
"Jeno Angel! Your date is here!" Jihoon shouted and earned a "Be right there hyungie!" From upstairs, Jaemin blushed from hearing the word "date" from Jihoon, is this really a date or is the boy just teasing him? He doesn't know, but he did know for sure he felt butterflies in his stomach and smiled softly when he heard the angelic voice from the second level of the house.
Jihoon turned back around to him, "listen, if you do anything that will hurt Jeno, I will fucking test my guitar on you. Got it?" he threatened trying to low his voice so the awaited boy couldn't hear. Jaemin visibly gulped, he nodded "yes Jihoonhyung, I won't hurt him" he almost stutters but kept his composure. The older hummed "better not kid" and crossed his arms like a protective dad.
Footsteps were heard and made them turn around to look at the cute boy wearing a cute outfit.
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