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9 June 2016

Jisung saw the older boy, who looked so peaceful and pretty while he was asleep. Deciding to leave him alone before going to class.

His shoulders brushed passed a few unfamiliar faces. But he shrugged it off and went to class.

"Hello class~ We have two new students, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin from the tragedy of the fire that occurred in Everhwa High yesterday."

"Hi please take care of us well." They said together with bright smiles. Easily fooling the whole class into believing they were the soft type of boys, cooing at them.

"Hyunjin please raise your hand and Jeongin sit beside him. Felix raise your hand and Seungmin sit beside him."

The two students made their way over, sitting down and keeping up with their act.


Minho woke up checking the time, groaning quietly when he realized he missed homeroom and the first 3 periods. Meaning it was lunch right now.

Getting up, he slung his bag over his shoulders and went down to the cafeteria, leaning against a locker while waiting for Seungmin, closing his eyes for a while

"Hey Min~" He smiled at the familiar voice and the arm slung over his shoulder, opening his eyes to see him.

Minho hummed as a reply, "Let's go somewhere else.... Its too loud here."

"So let's just introduce ourselves~ We all know who I am so next~" Seungmin laughed softly.

"I'm Seo Changbin, 17,  nice to meet you~"

"Forgive my long name I'm Bang Christopher Chan, 19, from Australia." The Australian made a one-sided dimple smile while using his hand to make the promise sign.

"Crispy sounds great." Minho joked, making them all burst into laughter.

"And I'm Yang Jeongin, 15, but I'm joining Seungmin's year because big brain." Jeongin giggled.

Minho let out a smile and laid back flat against the tiles.

The group stared at him for a moment before Seungmin started to speak.

"Is Naki still bothering you?"

"Yeah... He hasn't bothered me today though..." Minho sighed, the memories of the past few days came back, a singular tear sliding down his cheek bone.

Seungmin had a small smirk plastered on his face, knowing Naki would never bother him every again.


"Ughhh that Minho is so annoying." Hyunjin groaned, stabbing the Mac n Cheese on his plate violently.

"He isn't that mad, I'd be pissed if I was trying to help someone but they're too interested in his girlfriend." Felix said nonchalantly, "Jisung has he even bothered you nowadays?"

"Nope~" Jisung said, eyes lighting up, "Oo Oo Oo I saw him this morning, sleeping on the rooftop, and AhHhHh he looks adorable."


Jisung smiled as he entered his house, going over to the kitchen and hugging his mom. "Hey Eomma~ Whatchu doing?"

"Hmm Preparing dinner, so how was school?"

"Fun I guess, not very eventful."

"Hmmm Okay then~ Wanna help? "


Jisung put on the  mouth shield, starting to chop the veggies  up.


Minho stepped into the house, slipping off his shoes and going to shower. He stared at the reflection, tracing the bruises on his torso, tears welling up.

He sniffled softly, showering quietly before drying himself off and starting to pack his things. Honestly, his life was not the most exciting, he brought along a large A3 sized plastic folder, containing all his achievments, report books, class photots.

Also bringing along an A4 sized thick binder, filled with polaroid films of his late doggo, his younger self, pictures of friends and his father, and some photos of his mother. He decided to bring along his trophies and medals from the countless dance competitions he entered.

Aside from that, there wasn't much. He brought along his school uniform and gym attire with some dark coloured hoodies, shorts and boxers. He used his old large luggage, from when he was 11 and his father brought him to Japan for 2 weeks to experince the life there, to keep his school books and bulky ass trophies.

His phone buzzed and he looked at the chat

I sent a taxi and its arriving soon.

He got his things, wincing at the pain from when she beat him for eavesdropping.

Seeing the taxi arive just as he left the house, he heaved the luggage into tbe trunk before getting in, sighing and taking out his phone. Before sliding it back into his pockets, leaning against the window.

Seeing the view change from the middle-class district to the upper-class area, tall buildings owned by large companies surrounded the road along with luxurious brands then finally to the residenial area, big expensive bungalows and terrace houses.

Stopping outside one house he found familiar, he sighed again, leaving the car and getting his things out, going to the gate and ringing the bell. He looked at the house, no wait, bungalow would be a better word to describe it. It was modern with a slight touch of korean culture.

But while seeing the house's design, maybe around 4 people, he assumed were servants came out and helped him bring it in.

This is my life now I guess.

A/n : guss which idiot forgot to update ist meEee

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