𝟎𝟐| 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞

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I had always been the jovial one in my family, the one with a witty tongue, the one who had an answer to every question, the one with a brain running at jet speed. The guy who decided to choose a different occupation after schooling so that he can roam around the world. I became a Pilot so that I get the mesmerizing opportunity to see what everyone might be missing in their life, to explore the beauty of nature, the bright shining sky. I always wanted to feel free, maybe more than I knew.

She wasn't any damsel in distress but more like the graceful 'Swan'. She was pretty as a picture, soft-spoken, understanding and with her, I found calmness, the energy that life required to keep myself stable. She was my saviour in one hand and my friend on the other. The best friend one could ever have. As the Swan in my life, the balance she maintained was perfect. She knew me from scratch, being there for me whenever I was feeling weak.

She knew my weaknesses and tried to adjust me. Made me believe in myself about the things that I would've never comprehended that I could've done. She was honest with me. Maybe I was wrong to think that people won't change and maybe I was wrong in understanding people in the first place.

She was a breath of fresh air. My source of relying on any situation and I thought that I found the love of my life. I thought she is the one for me and we got married eventually since both of us were in love. The moments we spent getting lost in each other were the best memories from my past.

But why couldn't I understand that perhaps we were never meant to be? That we were better off as friends? That she had her wishes and dreams in life as well other than taking care of me as my wife? Why didn't I comprehend that perhaps she wanted to sit and discuss with me about anything and everything? That she missed her best friend the most? That she missed someone to share her thoughts with?

Yes, she wanted someone to listen to her. A voice which could make her feel that she is the luckiest woman in the world. A voice which could assure her that her husband will always be there for her if she wished to speak with him but it was too late. Perhaps she could've let go of her insecurities, the doubts in her mind and made me sit with her and explained to me that she was going through pain, through suffering. But she decided to do otherwise.

What she did with me when I was out there happily searching for a memorable gift for her birthday, which we were going to celebrate together after she returned from her Art exhibition in Chennai can never be erased from my mind. I was having a break from my flight and wanted to get my wife a gift to make her happy, make her feel special that I remembered her in my busy schedule and that I made time out for her, to go and buy a damn gift and there she was...

But I was through with it. I was through with the fact that our relationship had gone down the drain, the day her feelings started growing for another man, who is not her husband. When she started adoring a man, the way a woman would ponder about her opposite s** romantically. The day she placed her hand in his and danced in the heavy pouring rain and she walked with him to a place with temporarily closed doors, which nobody knew. It was over for us.

My wife didn't hesitate to cheat on me when I was expecting to see her at home in the evening, to celebrate her birthday. While I walked inside a gift shop in Mussourie, where glistening clocks, artistic paintings and beautiful wind chimes clinking creating rhythm warmly welcomed my presence, everything indeed was turning in to a surprising future as I met her on that unforgettable day.

Minutes before my life came to an inevitable pause and my eyes were witnessing the bitter truth of my marital life. Minutes before I had to accept the fact that my marriage life was over.

-- Thank you for reading --

🍸 ˢᵉʷʷⁱ 🍸

I hope my small attempt of making you guys remember the beginning of Aditya & Zoya's story was successful & yes, accept this as my token of starting afresh with Wattpad after a hiatus 😊

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