Cool escape phase

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[The scene fasts up to normal speed]

Nicole: Hurry up!!!

[The Wattersons hurriedly run forward, but the area there shatters, which blocks their way. The Wattersons run to the left, but the area there shatters, too. They then must run to the right as the area there shatters, keep blocking their way]

Anais: Why are all these ways blocked?!!?

[Everything around the Wattersons' house starts collapsing]

Gumball: There's only one way to go.

[The Wattersons has no choice, they scarily jump down to the abyss, but don't fall down to it. Instead, they're hovering because there's less gravity]

Gumball: Not what I thought. I thought everyone will fall down to the abyss, then scream "NO" in slow-motion.

[The Wattersons stare at Gumball in an ironic emotion. Then they all try to "swim" to move. Suddenly, "Janice" - Mr. Small's van heads straight to the Wattersons, makes them land on the front hood. Richard, Nicole and Anais are surprised]

Nicole: What-the...??

Gumball and Darwin: [Jubilant] MR. SMALL!!!!

Mr. Small: Hi guys.

Darwin: You're going to get us out of here, right? I'm glad that you've come!

Mr. Small: Get out of where? I'm just wandering around the town, in joyful and happy expression.

Gumball: [About to say something in confusion, but then facepalms. All of the Wattersons facepalms then]

Mr. Small: Just chill out. Set your seat comfortably and we're ready to go!

Nicole: [Frowns] There are no comfortable things when sitting on the front hood! Land your van, now!!!

[Mr. Small lands "Janice" on a surface. The Wattersons get out of the hood, then run away from the van]

Gumball: [Returns to "Janice"; speaks to Mr. Small] My mom is a little monstrous. Please forgive her. [Runs back to the other Wattersons]

[A voice from a faraway megaphone resounds]

The voice: Here is from the mayor of Elmore! All citizens of Elmore will be taken to another town. Elmore is collapsed, and everyone has to leave the town now! The rescuers are coming. If there's still anyone who hasn't left the town, please try to find a helicopter, make attention, then the rescuers there will take you to the helicopter! Repeat: If there's still anyone who hasn't left the town, please try to find a helicopter, make attention, then the rescuers there will take you to the helicopter! Announcement ends.

[The Wattersons glad]

Darwin: Yay!! We will be saved!

Gumball: [Points forward] Look! A helicopter! [The Wattersons see a helicopter. They gasp in joy. But then some bandits break in, throw the pilots and the rescuers to the outside, take the helicopter and fly away. The Wattersons make a horror expression]

Nicole: Don't worry. There're still many helicopters, though.

[The Wattersons continue running to find another helicopter]

Anais: Head to the town central! The rescuers will find us more easily there!

[The Wattersons keep running forward. They pass Sarah, which Gumball and Darwin stand back]

Gumball: [Speaks to Sarah] What-the-why?!!? Why don't you escape?! The town is collapsing!!!

Sarah: Yeah I wanted to escape. But maybe I decided to stay here a little longer... to draw the town!! I call it: [Makes mysterious face, speaks mysterious voice] The scattered debriiisssss...... [Shows Gumball and Darwin a picture of a collapsing Elmore]

Darwin: [Confused] Bu-but... [Sigh] We meant: Just find a helicopter, then you can do whatever you want, Sarah! Don't you see Elmore is collapsing???

Sarah: You're right! Maybe I should draw a helicopter!

Gumball: [Growls in anger, then throw Sarah's head far away. Speaks to Darwin] Just keep going. Don't mind her. [They run out of the current place]

[Gumball and Darwin run to a panicking crowded street. They see Anais stands alone there]

Gumball: [Panics] Anais, where's mom and dad??!

[Anais points forward. Turns out, Richard is eating fallen burgers on the ground, and Nicole keeps pulling him out of  a collapsing Joyful Burger]

Nicole: [Speaks to Richard] Do you want to live, Richard?! We have no time!

Richard: [Speaks while eating] Eating burgers keeps me alive!

Nicole: [Panics] Watch out the ceiling!! It's going to fall!!!

[The ceiling almost fall. Richard looks at the ceiling, panic, then trying to put all burgers rapidly in his mouth. The ceiling finally falls. Richard and Nicole run to Gumball, Darwin and Anais. The Wattersons suddenly see a helicopter landing on a street]

Gumball: Ah-hah!! Finally, a helicopter!

[They run fast to that helicopter, but it then gets surrounded by a crowd]

Darwin: [Fearful] Oh no! What do we have to do now?!!?

Anais: We have to rush into the crowd!!

[The Wattersons quickly run and jump into the crowd. The crowd all finally gets into the helicopter, which makes it looks overloaded. The helicopter flies away. The Watterson, which now in the helicopter, sigh in relief]

Darwin: [Sadly looks out the helicopter's window] Goodbye Elmore... [Speaks normally to Gumball] At least we're safe now, right, Gumball? [Turns around to see Gumball, but doesn't see him] Uh... Gumball? Where are you? [Fearful] Gumball! GUMBALL!!!! [Speaks to the other Wattersons] Hey, do you guys see Gumball?

[Richard, Nicole and Anais get feared. They're starting to find Gumball]

Anais: [Calling] Gumball!! Gumball!!

Nicole: [Speaks to the crowd] Hey! Does anyone see my son??? He's blue, and small!

Billy[Speaks to Nicole] Do you find me?

Nicole: Uh... no. He's a cat.

[The Wattersons are still trying to find Gumball, but useless]

Darwin: [Kneels, shout out loud] GUMBAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[The debris scattered around the screen, fade out]

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