Author's Note

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So you guys are writing in comment section to update the next part. Right?

But I guess that I'm successful in giving a cryptic end to "The Retelling of Love"

Yes you read it right. The story has ended beautifully with 40 full fledged chapters.
And A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all of my lovely readers who kept me going throughout the journey. Your love, affection, votes, comments, support, addition to reading lists, constant messages on Instagram, Wattpad, Twitter is overwhelming and so adorable that my words will fail to describe.
This is my first story to have 2k+ votes and 30000 reads and a lot of loving and sweet readers. This story has a special place in my heart as in this lockdown I made many good big and small friends.You ShaPoovers are much sweet, affectionate and supportive. I love you all to the moon and back , back and forth.

One of them is so close, and important to me! I got a friend in her. I can't even imagine the success of this story without her aid and help. She promoted this as her own. I love you bro!

This particular story has given me a lifetime of happiness, emotions, family like friends and milestones. I owe it all to my story.
It's also the first story upon which I worked so hard. Watched every interview, behind the scenes and videos so that I could give correct information with the fiction. And I hope that I'm successful in creating a REAL FICTION. I hope you all enjoyed it as much I did while writing. While writing the last chapter, I felt so low as I could feel a big amount of nostalgia coming my way and hitting me hard. That's why I updated it a bit late, despite of your constant messages to update. I wanted this particular journey to never end. But every ending leads to a new beginning.
Last but not the least thank you all for giving me a number of ideas, suggestions and feedback. It means alot.

It was a fun ride guys. And don't be sad I will be very soon back with the new Quirky chapters of Fog of Love.
Those who haven't read the prologue, can give it a read right now. And yeah I want equal amount of love in my next story.

Till then signing out.
See yaa!
Much Love!!
Yours truly

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