Part 7

774 22 136

Warnings: swearing, drinking, angst

Historical Inaccuracies: none that I can think of!

Word Count: 4.3k

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The sun made you wonder. Made you wonder why it was shining in the first place. How wretched of it to shine so prettily when you felt so miserable.

It was a misery too out of reach to be pacified, for it was not the obvious sort, the kind in which you cry and shudder and feel like you're suffocating. This was the kind of miserable in which you mope, staring out the window in a daze, and the only thing you are aware of is the frown on your lips; you opt for bitterness with every word and thought. This is the miserable where you feel detached and lost, like you exist in one universe and your feelings in a neighbouring dimension.

Brian hadn't spoken to you for over a week.

It had rained every day since.

When classes had resumed the following Monday, Brian didn't smile at you when you chanced a 'good morning'. He merely pressed his lips together and ducked beneath his curls. That was how you knew he was avoiding you.

On Tuesday, Brian failed Carmichael's test. This you knew because he ripped it in half as he stormed out of the door, following the lecture And he was glowering. You'd never thought that timid Brian could even have the ability to glower.

On Wednesday afternoon, Deacy called you.

"I was wondering if you'd like to join me and Rog for tea today?"

You bit your lip slowly. "Just you and Rog?"

"Yep!" he said. "I've told you that Veronica's just gone up to see her parents for a couple of days, and that I'm working so she thought it best for me to stay behind, haven't I?"

"Yes, you've told me," you replied. "And Heather went with her." Heather and Veronica had grown up in the same town, and so Heather, behind due to visit her own parents, had boarded the train with Ronnie.

"Oh, yes." John paused, then asked hesitantly, "Are... are you okay with just me and Roger, for tea I mean?"

You breathed quietly in relief.

"Y/N? Who are you avoiding? You haven't fallen out with Heather, have you?"

"Oh, no no," you assured him.

"With Veronica, then? Surely not."

"No, Deacy, she's lovely."

"She likes you too. You get along well. Maybe you should go shopping together or something sometime," he babbled.

"Yeah," you answered distractedly.

"Well, you have our number. And you know you're always welcome over."

"Thanks, Deacy—"

But Deacy was still trying to work out who it was you were supposedly at odds with. "Not Roger!" he cried. "That's why you're not sure about lunch. You and Roger are arguing, aren't you?"

"No, Roger and I are fine, John."

"Oh, good," he sighed. "I was worried for a moment. And I've already had to diffuse so many fights this week, in the band, y'know."


"Yes," he sighed, "you wouldn't believe it. So many. It's like cats and dogs at the moment. Not sure why. Yelling and throwing various instrumental gear. Drumsticks, microphone stands, cables... clumsily. Almost an amp, yesterday."

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