Scenario 6

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Antonio's best friend is Gabrielle. They have known each other for a very long time and they always play together. One day, Bobby has set up a Boys' Club where only boys can be part of. Antonio can be part of the club, but Gabrielle could not as she is a girl. Bobby asked Antonio to join the club, but he was not sure, because he does not want to leave his best friend out. Bobby and the other members of the Boys' Club told Antonio if he does not join the club, they will tease and make fun of him saying he has a crush on Gabrielle. He then feels the pressure whether he should join, because he does not want to be teased, whereas at the same time his best friend is Gabrielle and is worried that might hurt her feelings. 

Find some ways on how Antonio can solve this. 

Roleplay: 3+ people 

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