Look down the heavens and you'll see,
A three way embrace, at the place where you are said to be,
The headstone is still as new as ever,
The flowers still bloom in all its glory,
The sky is overcast today,
Like it was, three years ago.
"The boy has got her eyes," they say,
"The girl, her smile"
They long to see them too,
The greying head, the most
He searches intently in their faces,
For her trace, for her shadow
He sees her in them, averts his grace
And looks up the sky
God, great and wonderful God,
Lord of mankind, creatures big and small,
What did you do that for?
Did you not like it when the girl laughed her innocent laugh,
The boy gave a toothless grin
And the greying head sighed in contentment?
Look down closely, and sure there you'll see,
The girl running her long dark fingers over the engraving,
The boy, tugging on her dress, his tears soaking up through the ground.
Because even when the yellowing leaves fall,
Or when the daisies droop so low to ground,
Alive is a word always unheard and unsung
Yet a word that resonates the most.
And the word echoed over and over,
In their hearts
To the tips of their fingers
So they leaned on to each other
And awaited a day when,
All troubles fade one by one
And all the 'miles to go' are covered
So that they can sleep beside her too
Listening to the wind stroking
Her loving fingers over the grass above them.