Bree Granger

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Me and my cousin, Hermione, we arrived to Hogwards. It was simply beautiful. While i was walking i bump into a kid, he looked 8 years old.

" I'm sorry" i said.

He looked at me and says :

"Don't be, nice to meet you, i'm Leo"

"Nice to meet you Leo, i'm Bree"

" Nice name, in which house you want to be?"

" I hope Grifondor, you?"

" I actually don't mind, i just hope to don't be a Slytherin."

I smiled.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked me.

"No" i said.

"Calm down, i'm sure you won't be a Slytherin" he said smiling.

" Anyway, she's Hermione, my cousin"

"Nice to meet you" said Hermione.

" Nice to meet you too" said Leo.

" Who is she?" Asked Leo pointed a girl.

" I have no idea" i said.

"Oh, here we are!" I said to Leo while teacher Mcgrannit started to call.

"Adam Davenport!" She called.

The guy was tall, with dark brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, and really really good looking.

" Grifondor!" The hat yelled. And the boy walked to Grifondor's table.

"Chase Parkinson!"  the Mcgrannit called.

A short boy with light brown hair and green eyes, white skin, and really good looking too.

" Slytherin!" the hat yelled.

He walked to the Slytherin's table.

"Pansy Parkinson!"

The girl had blonde hair and blue eyes, fair skin, and not very tall.

"Slytherin!" The hat yelled.

" Hermione Granger!" The Mcgrannit called.

"Grifondor!" the hat yelled.

I was happy for my cousin.

"Ron Wesley!"

A short boy with red hair and green eyes.

" Grifondor!"

The guy sitted next to my cousin.

" Harry Potter!"

A guy with black hair, blue eyes, glasses and a scar on his forehead, i hear talking about him.

The hat esitated and then yelled:


"Draco Malfoy! " the Mcgrannit called. The boy had blonde hair and ice blue eyes. A really fair skin.

" Slytherin" the hat yelled.

I was thinking about what would happen, new friendship, new spells, and maybe love when someone interrupt my thoughs.

"Bree Granger!"

I was really nervous.

The teacher put the hat on my head and it yelled...

If you want to know, read  my next Caphter, and please comment.

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