This time

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I was there, waiting for something to happen. Nothing. Just me and my nightmares. Voldemort was still tormenting my mind, in the wrost way. Everyone that i ever loved in my nightmares were all dead, because i didn't join him. I could see the dark mark on the sky and dementors outside flying around the castle. I never wish it would end like this. Nobody did. I couldn't help but cry every night, because i felt pain in all my body, my mind, i'm always in pain. Someone would think that i'm weak or i don't know. Marcus joined Voldemort. He didn't want to. He never wants to. But that was the only way for stop the pain in his nightmares  and for real. I understood him. Every day wake up and feeling like your burning inside, for 15 minutes. Having nightmares all the nights, trying to stay awake, sleepless nights. I looked like a monster. Sabrina was worry for me. It hurts like hell, it's like dying every day. I met Adam and Bree. They didn't look better. But i'm sure i was the wrost.

"Wow Chase, you look horrible" Adam said. Bree laughed.

" Say the guy who had dark circle under his eyes"

Bree smile dropped. Her face turned serious.

"What he did to you?" Bree asked looking me in the eyes. Her eyes were empty.

" He's freaking me out" i said with a broken tone.

Adam looked at me.

"He's torturing us as well" he said looking down.

Pansy came to us.

"Hey guys" she said sad.

"Hey " i said.

"How are you?"  i was almost going insane, not because of Pansy but because my mental sanity is going to get fucked. Then i started to laugh. But not a normal, this is so funny laugh, but an hysterical, insane laugh. Pansy looked at me shocked. Then her shock turned into anger. This was not a good sign.

" I will make him pay for what he did to you" she said and then left.

Leo came in that moment. He had a big scar on his arm.

" What happened? " i asked him.

" He started to torturing me"

" The Dark Lord?" I asked already knowing the answer. He nodded.

" Mentally and physically."

I looked at him better. He looked like someone tortured him day and night. I looked like a ghost and so did Adam and Bree.

Bree started to scream. Then stopped.

" Bree, what happened?" Adam asked her.

" He was in my head" she said scary and lost. Adam hugged her.

Janelle came from us. She looked better of us.

"Janelle" Leo said in a weak voice.

"We have to go to Dark arts lession"

We all nodded.
Bree's point of view

My nightmares started again, not this time, i couldn't handle it anymore. I ran as fast as i could, i found Adam. He hugged me. There was only one thing that Voldemort couldn't destroy. Love. So i decided to sleep with Adam. Chase did the same with Sabrina and Leo with Janelle. Nobody of us, had nightmares. But everyone shared the same pain. I just received a letter from Hermione. Dobby was dead. I knew and loved that elf.

" No" i whispered. My pain turned into anger. I felt like burning but i got up, trying to fight that feeling, oh he wouldn't do this again, not anymore. Not this time to me and my loved ones. Adam came to me, we hugged, the pain was still there. But suddenly disappeared. I kissed him. No, they won't hurt me. The won't touch my loved ones. Not this time.

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