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Chase point of view

So now Voldermort is back, we are all in danger, everyone, I say it and I mean it. If he wants Harry, for sure he is going to create an army and who will be the ones that he wants? Slytherins. That's not good. He is going to 'ask' me to join him...I hope he won't... I have a beautiful girl that I love more than my same life. Marcus is not worry also if I think that he should be, I also think that that Draco, is a death eater. I never liked him since he started to date my sister. And I don't like his friends the Weirdos too. I came back home. My parents hugged me tightly, i smiled when they did the same with Sabrina. She's amazing, beautiful, smart, sweet, polite, kind, she is an angel, she's just perfect. I love her.

"What happened between Pansy and Draco?" My mother asked.

Sabrina looked down, while I said:

"They finally broke up, she's dating Marcus, I never liked that Draco by the way"

My parents smiled. It's July now, this is gonna be a long summer. In that moment Pansy and Marcus came in.

"Hey Bro!" Marcus said giving me an high five.

"Hey Marcus!"

Pansy smiled and hugged our parents.
9 hours later...
"Chase, join me and you will be happy, join me and nothing bad will happen to you, join me and I won't kill Sabrina"
"Don't dare to touch her!" I yelled.
"Chase! Chase! Help me! Chaseeeeee!!!!"
It was Sabrina.
"What did you do to her monster?" I yelled.
"Nothing yet, but I will kill her if you don't join me" he hissed.
"OK I will kill everyone you ever loved"

I woke up sweating and breathing heavily.
Marcus's point of view
"Who talked? What do you want from me? Leave me alone!"
I yelled starting to run. Run as fast as I could.
Nothing, he was in front of me.
"What do you want from me?" I asked desperate.
"Join me Marcus"
"I think I have to say it again, well, or you join me, or I will kill your dear Pansy and your loved ones"

I woke up sweating. I went downstairs. And found Chase that was drinking a tea.

"Why are you awake?" I asked him.

"I could do the same question" he said. He was right.

"Did you have a nightmare?" I asked him.

"Maybe, did you?"


"You-know-who?" He asked. I nodded.

"Sabrina?" I asked him. He looked down and nodded.

"Pansy?" He asked me. I gasped and nodded.

"So, what are we going to do?"
Adam's point of view
"Who's there?"
"Well, I will show you"
He came closer. He was really ugly and without the nose.
"What do you want from me?"
"Join in my army"
"Well, I think I must kill Bree now"
"Don't dare to touch her!"
"Join in my army and I won't hurt anyone. Don't and I will kill your loved ones"

I woke up breathing heavily and sweating. I started to cry. Then I heard Bree screamed from the other room. I went to her room without knocking. She was breathing heavily.



"What happened?"

"He came into my dreams, he turned them into nightmares, he wants to kill us if we don't join in his army"

She started shaking, I blocked her.

"Shhh, it's okay, we are gonna be fine, I promise you." I said kissing her.



"Stay with me"

"Sure" I said smiling coming into her bed. She hugged me. And after ten minutes we felt asleep.
Leo's point of view
"What do you want?"
My heart started to beat really fast.
"Join me Leo"
"Why I should join you?"
"Because, You are one of the most powerful wizards with Adam, Bree, Chase, Marcus are really powerful and can help me to destroy Harry Potter"
"Why I should help you?"
"Because if you don't, I will kill Janelle and your family and the ones you care the most"
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"Because I always get what I want"

I woke up next to Janelle. I started breathing heavily.

"There's something wrong Leo?"

"No, I just had a bad dream, keep sleeping"

"Okay" she said falling back asleep.

I can't tell her the truth. Not now. I have to protect her.

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