Cake with the Gamekeeper

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Harry's head was spinning. Opening his eyes slowly, he was still on the floor near the staircase. He thought of how " generous" his aunt and uncle were, just to just leave him sprawled unconscious in the middle of the hallway.

'What if I was injured,' he thought angrily, opening the small framed door leading into his water closet which he called home. "Imagine if Professor Dumbledore knew about th-" Harry froze in his tracks. He hasn't even met professor Dumbledore, yet he already knew about him. Then, he remembered what had happened in the dream.

Harry now had the knowledge of his seventeen year age self. He already knew about Hogwarts, without even visiting once in his life. He already had the vast image of the stony gray castle over the shining waters of the lake below. He longed for the wonderful meals in the great hall, sitting with his best friends in the world, Ron and Hermione...

Harry shook his head, and peeped through the door to check the time. It was 5:17. He groaned, realizing he had missed lunch as well. As recalling today was the 30th of July, with his birthday not even twenty four hours away, Harry felt instantly excited. In just a few short hours, Hagrid would burst through the door, traveling through the storm and winds just to deliver him his letter. Harry would then be told the truth of his past, and what is yet to come. And afterwords, Hagrid and him would travel back from the island on the rickety old boat... wait. He was still at number four, Privet Drive.

By now, he and the Dursleys would have been driving away into the unknown, Vernon looking for an escape past the letters. Speaking of the Durlseys, Harry hadn't heard a single peep since he awoke a few minutes ago. He opened the door and called out his aunt's name, who was usually in the kitchen by now, making dinner. Not a sound in reply.

After calling out his uncle and cousins name, Harry ran to the front window, peering into the driveway, where no car could be found. 'Well. Left without me.' Harry smiled, looking down at his rumbling stomach. Harry strolled into the kitchen, and for the first time, was able to choose what he wanted, and however much he wanted.

He grabbed the bowl of leftover pasta, which Harry assumed what they had for lunch. He didn't bother getting a bowl, as starving as he was, Harry assumed he would eat the rest of it up. And he did. After a large helping of cold lemonade from the refrigerator, Harry took a hot, relaxing shower upstairs. By the time he finished drying himself and attempting to tame his uncontrollable hair, he turned on the television, where seven o'clock Jeopardy was about to begin.

Harry soon realized the Dursleys would not be coming back tonight, let alone tomorrow, so he watched reruns of General Hospital until the late July sun began to set around 9 o'clock. Harry sat in anticipation. In three hours, Hagrid would visit him, and begin his journey. He couldn't wait another minute, so the minutes dragged on even longer, and Harry couldn't believe it as he began to dose off, he heard three thumps on the door.

He sat up and quickly ran down the hallway, opening the door. He looked up to see a very large man with a scruffy beard, holding a parcel and letter in hand.

"Boy, I haven't seen you since yer a baby, Harry." Hagrid gave a warm smile. Harry was about to hug his old friend very tightly, but then he remembered that eleven year old Harry didn't know who this man was.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Harry asked cautiously, holding the door open for Hagrid to walk in. His muddy boots from the late rainstorm stomped over the carpet. Harry was amused thinking of Petunia's reaction to see a half giant ruining her favorite rug.

"Let me introduce myself. Rubeus Hagrid, gamekeeper at Hogwarts. Expect you know all about Hogwarts."

Harry was about to reply no, but then he realized the Dursleys weren't here, so it would be okay if he didn't act dumb.

"Of course. Does that mean-"

Hagrid smiled, his beetle black eyes clouding with emotion, as he handed the parcel over to Harry. "Not every day young man turns eleven. Happy birthday, Harry."

Harry already knew what was inside the package, but he was still happy as he opened the cake tipped with green and pink frosting. Good thing Dudley wasn't here this time to eat it.

"Thank you Hagrid. Come sit at the kitchen table," Harry said, leading him down the hall.

Hagrid had to crouch as he entered the neat room, and sat carefully down at the wooden table. Harry cut two slices, and passed one over to Hagrid, who looked shocked.

"Oh no no, it's yer cake Harry. Besides I'm here on important Hogwarts business. I believe you haven't gotten your letter. Am I correct?" Harry nodded his head.

Hagrid reached deep into his brown jacket and pulled out a crumpled letter. "It's a little worn down, but I expect it won't be too difficult to read."

Harry opened the letter, and scanned through it. Although he knew exactly what it said he read it aloud. When he finished, Harry looked up at Hagrid and smiled.

Hagrid looked at Harry seriously. "I understand that no one is home, or else there would be a muggle transportation device outside-"

"A car?"

"Oh yes, car. No car outside in their car spot. Are they coming back tonight?"

"No." Harry answered grimly. As much as he couldn't stand the Dursleys, this was a new low for them, just packing up and leaving without even waking him and telling him...

"Right, yes. Dumbledore said if this happened, I should just leave a note telling them where we are going-"

"Where are we going, Hagrid?"

"To Diagon Alley of course!" Seeing the 'confused' expression on Harry's face, Hagrid explained, "it's where the wizarding shops are, of course. Where you can buy robes, cauldrons, books, everything ye need for Hogwarts. Now, if you don't mind going to your room and packing your belongings, I will write a letter to yer aunt and uncle."

Harry stood up and ran to the cupboard. He grabbed four oversized shirts, that once belonged to Dudley, and looked extremely baggy on him. He decided he would buy new clothes when him and Hagrid arrived tomorrow. He grabbed the rest of the clothing he owned, and his pair of trainers, then returned to the kitchen carrying all of his stuff.

"Hagrid, I don't have anywhere to put this." Hagrid, who had just finished the letter, stood up and pulled out a small bag, similar to Hermione's beaded bag in their seventh year. "Drop em in Harry." Hagrid looked shocked at the amount of items in Harry's arms.

He dropped his few belongings into the leather bag. Hagrid led him out the door, after dropping the letter on the side table near the front door.

"I thought it might be easier taking this motorbike, as I expect you haven't traveled by air yet. We can keep this on the ground." Harry immediately recognized Sirius's old bike. Right now Sirius was locked up in Azkaban, from a crime he did not commit. When he will arrive at Hogwarts, Harry would immediately start to plan how to free his godfather as quick as possible. But as Hagrid and Harry sped away, his mind left the thought of Sirius, and wondered into the night sky, as they sped away from Privet Drive.

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