Deep Blue Fantasy : Merman!Tamaki Amajiki (Part Two)

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Author's Note:

Wah-oh, it's part two! I don't really know what to say, so enjoy!



After swimming for more than a full day, the two friends arrived at a trench.

"This is where it said she lived," Mirio remarked, glancing down at the flyer in his hands.

"There." Tamaki pointed to a faintly glowing cave on the opposite side.

They swam over to it, halting just at the entrance to peek inside.

A mermaid bustled around, jars clinking together as she held them in her arms before placing them on various shelves. Luminescent purple seaweed grew on the ceiling, throwing the cavern in a warm magenta light. Shelves and tables were scattered haphazardly around, overflowing with objects ranging in size and shape.

Mirio confidently swam in, giving powerful flicks of his tail while Tamaki trailed after him, keeping the movements of his own tail fast and small. Mirio sent a ping in the mermaid's direction, getting her focus enough to turn around.

Light periwinkle hair floated around her head, perfectly framing a round, cheerful face. She appeared to be the same age as the two mermen, which surprised them.

"Hi!" she waved, swimming up to them still holding an armful of jars. "How can I help you?"

"Would you know how to turn a merman into a human?" Mirio asked.

A jolt went through her body in reaction to Mirio's question. Some of the jars fell out of her grip and slowly sank down in the water around her. Tamaki bent to pick them up, but the mermaid paid no attention to them.

"That kind of stuff . . . ? It's complicated," she muttered. "It's not the most legal thing either . . . ."

Mirio slumped, having let his hopes grow for his friend.

"But it's not impossible!" The mermaid's demeanor changed back to bubbly and bright. "I hear of it happening quite a lot on the black market! You're lucky I'm not a crab in the muck when it comes to following rules like that. Is it for you?"

Mirio glanced at Tamaki. "Not quite. It's for my friend here."

The blue-haired mermaid finally looked at him. Tamaki offered her jars back to her, a sheepish look on his face.

"I see," she said, accepting them. "What do you plan to do with a pair of human legs?"

Tamaki blushed, floating backward a bit and fidgeting with his hands before answering. "There's this girl on the island—"

"A GIRL?!" The mermaid barreled into him, dropping all her jars now in order to take hold of Tamaki's shoulders. "Why didn't you say so in the first place?!" She shook him a little hard, her loud voice pinging around in the water.

"Uhh—" Tamaki began, made extremely uncomfortable in his situation.

"You're in love!" she practically sang, finally leaning back out of his face.

"Hey," Mirio clicked, putting a gentle hand on the girl's arm, having noticed his friend's distress.

Unfazed, she turned to him, clasping her hands together. "And you're the wingman-best friend! How adorable! I have never been so excited to help a customer before!" Finally she backed up, exiting the boys' personal space. "I'm Nejire Hado. It's a pleasure doing business with you!" She extended a hand to Mirio, who shook it, smiling.

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