Deep Blue Fantasy : Merman!Tamaki Amajiki (Part Five)

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Author's Note:

So this one is the longest one so far. Maybe I could have edited it to be a little shorter, but I struggle to do that kind of thing (also I want to get started on the next part) so have this anyway. This one's a little goofy, but just please bear with me. I don't know what else to say.




"Hey. Hey, Tamaki, wake up."

Your voice floated into Tamaki's ears, causing him to awaken from his slumber. Light bled into his eyes as he blearily opened them, your face hovering above his. Cool hands laid expectantly on his shoulders, fresh from having shaken him. Tamaki sat up, attempting to rub the sleep from his eyes. It took him a moment to remember where he was, registering the feeling of air and gravity on his body.

"Come on," you excitedly whispered, stepping back. "I want to show you something."

Tamaki threw his legs over the side of the bed, making sure he had good footing before walking up next to you. He was surprised at how quickly he was learning to walk, each occasion of getting to his feet becoming easier with practice.

You grabbed his hand in yours, making Tamaki's heart jump, and pulled him through the halls and out into the dawn, the sun barely visible on the horizon. The former merman had seen the sunrise before, usually while he waited for you to turn up on your beach, but there was something so incredibly new and different about seeing it here; on land, with you. You stood at his side, your hand clutched in his. Grass poked at the bottoms of his feet, and there was a feeling of overall warmth he simply wasn't used to; his body no longer perpetually encased by the cold sea.

He followed you as you pulled him along, traipsing over a moderately worn path. The familiar sound of crashing waves met his ears as the path began to slope down. Finally, he saw it. The ocean, but this time, from the vantage point of the black-sand beach. You continued to lead him, his toes hitting fine sand. He had never felt dry sand before, and Tamaki was suddenly overcome with the urge to bend down and sink his hands in it. He didn't stop though, letting you take him as far as you dared.

"This is where I found you," you finally said, halting and pointing to a general area on the ground.

Tamaki glanced at where you pointed and then out to sea, his eyes scanning over the familiar rocks that jutted from the violent waves. I found you here too.

"I come out to this beach every morning," you continued. "It's kind of my routine. I like to take little walks over here. There's just something about the sea . . . it relaxes me. Don't you think it's beautiful?"

Tamaki nodded, his eyes dropping to look at your face. There was a soft, lovely expression upon it as you looked out at the water, your gaze following the crest of the waves as white sea foam flew up and out of the nearly black waters. Tamaki suddenly wished your roles could be reversed; maybe take you into the sea, which you so loved, as his mermaid, diving together into the dark depths until the end of time. A part of him wondered what would happen if he put his necklace over your head. Probably nothing, since it was only enchanted to give a merperson human legs, but still.

"I'll admit a little something to you, but you have to promise to keep it secret." Your voice jarred him out of his thoughts.

"Okay," he answered. "You know how good I am at keeping secrets."

He nervously laughed with you at his attempt at a joke, the humor helping to ease a bit of tenseness he wasn't even aware had begun to build up in his shoulders.

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