Chapter 9

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Richard Grayson/ Nightwing's pov

"Hey dude sorry for calling you that early in the morning." Jason greeted me at the door.

I smiled "No it's cool. I got caught up in traffic as well." he opened the door wider for me to enter.

I looked around seeing it was nice and kept fairly clean, what could you expect? This is Jason's place. I still couldn't believe I was talking to Jason again...We thought he was dead. But he called and I was shocked. How is he still alive?! Was it possible for him still here?

I sat at the kitchen table where a small light hung over it. Jason sat across from me, god he looked different. He had dark circles under his eyes.

I noticed Damian was sleeping on the couch, I guess he was the one taking care of him.

"So you're taking care of Damian now?"

"Not really, he chose to stay. He was a bit of a handful, it's nothing I can't handle." He looked down when speaking with his regular smooth/deep voice. I saw his knuckles were purple, I was a bit concerned.

"What have you been up to this week?" I asked, sliding my fingers through my black hair.

"Not much, saved Damian from getting hurt in an underground parking lot. Saved a girl named Breanne that is currently asleep in the other room, she was kidnapped by a clown." I raised my eyebrow then he continued.

"Have you seen the news? All those kids going missing and other people?-"

"That's who I meant, he is dangerous beyond belief. I faced him two days ago." I yawned and then spoke.

"Two days ago, you met the guy who is doing all of this?" He nodded.

"Not just that, he took form as you, Richard." I couldn't believe what he was saying.

I placed my hands through my hair leaning back in the chair, with my hands at the back of my neck.

"That's why we need to take him down, and why would he take the form of me?" I asked. I was curious if this thing was after him or any of us.

"He wants hate and fear. He knew you were one of the people in my life that I cared about. Just like Damian, Tim, and even Roy."

"You can't let him or whatever it is in your head, Jason." I reassured him.

"Fuck it, I'll put a bullet in that thing's head if I need to." He went to his feet when I said.

"Jason where are you going?"

Then there was a knock at the door.

I stayed put as he went to the door to answer the call or whoever it was.

I looked at the time it was nearly seven while I listened to who it was.

"Hey Jay, I got your text from earlier," a female smooth voice said.

"Cool, alright he is just on the couch asleep. So you can join Richard and I if you like, even though it's early" I felt my chest burn seeing a girl slightly shorter than he was. She had brown long hair put to the right side of her shoulder, with her bangs pinned back with two bobby pins.

She had bright brown eyes, and a smile that reminded me of Jason. She tossed her black winter jacket onto the chair next to I.

She looked familiar, like I knew her once. But that time line? When was it?

Her style was like Jason's, she wore black with grey and white cargo camo pants, with a black shirt tucked into her belt line.

She sat down next to me and placed her wallet and keys down next to her.

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