Depression Kicks In(sensitive topics I think?)

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Tomnyan was looking out the window of his home at Usapyon and Inaho having fun,he replaced Inaho with himself and started to cry again from the sadness of rejection. Tomnyan was showing signs of having suicidal thoughts as his search history had varied things of cheap silenced guns,closest high places,how to tie a noose or any other big signs of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Usapyon came to go check on Tomnyan but he wasn't there,His computer was on so Usapyon went to go check it out and he got so invested into his search history that his eyes started to tear up. Usapyon left a note on his computer screen which read "Meet me at my house,5:00 PM tomorrow." Usapyon went back to get some help on how to help someone dealing with severe depression. Skip to tomorrow and Tomnyan shows up at 4:50 PM,Usapyon opens the door for Tomnyan and they go inside. "So..I want to just apologize in advance for getting a little too nosy but I went through your search history..I'm very concerned about your health and was wondering if you wanted to talk about it,Dani" Usapyon said in a quiet and calm voice. "I's just that I prepared the whole confession beforehand..and I was punched in the gut with rejection which made me really sad.." Tomnyan said,trying not to cry. "Life doesn't always go your way,you must understand sometimes you'll face little obstacles or big obstacles,little being a hard test and big being rejection. If it makes you feel better,I'll ask Inaho if we could spend the day together alone,Dani" Usapyon sat next to Tomnyan and puts his arm around him. "R—really? Yes I would like that!" Tomnyan said,happily. "Hehe,than it's a deal,i'll text you when i'm ready tomorrow morning ok,Dani?" Tomnyan shook his head im agreement and went back to his normal,happy state before yesterday night.

(Jeez I feel as if these are starting to become vents. Anyway, sorry for the whole sensitive chapter but I just felt as if every fan fic needs one or two. I'll try to keep my upload schedule in tact this time haha)

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