| 4 · Of Gods and Men of Steel |

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"Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not

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"Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." – Arthur C. Clarke

10 December 2013 10:58 PM
          Later that night. . .

Zed was a nocturnal creature by choice as well by profession.

It wasn't too odd, Midway City was almost a Las Vegas in the sense that the city was always awake, alive and moving. It was like New York in that sense; a lite level of grim blackened its image and create a need for them to provide for, but not enough to frighten away the majority of tourists. Honestly, there'd be more business in Gotham, but there was that whole nasty bat business to worry about. And for business, the location and safety of clients (read: themselves) was vital. Better yet was the central locale, everyone was almost always willing to meet in the middle.

They kept a schedule—describing it as a ritual would be too dramatic—of how each night ran. They woke up, took a shower to actually wake up, and to the kitchen for the routine bowl of Cocoa Puffs and Adult Swim reruns. It was a simple existence, and it hadn't been too jostled with Theo's addition; they'd slipped right back into their friendship, entirely in step. Sure, a lot of time was being spent not working, but a break never killed anyone except the bank balance, right?


It was 12:43 AM when Zed stumbled their way into the kitchen. They grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, milk from the fridge, a spoon, and the Cocoa Puffs off the counter. Biting back a yawn, Zed began shaking out the cereal, ideally hoping that maybe Harvey Birdman would be on. It was late enough, and fuck it if the bumbling lawyer didn't make the law hilarious—

"I want to test out whatever this is."

"For fucks sake!" Dry Cocoa Puffs spilled cross the counter as Zed's whole body jerked, twisting around. Theo's head was popped over the back of the couch as if she'd been lying in wait in the dark until their arrival. Her hair was more a birds' nest than anything, and the bags were heavy under her eyes from what Zed could see.

She probably was, Zed scowled, scoping the cereal off into the bowl. Least this isn't night terrors.

"Repeat that," They requested, pouring some milk. "Without scaring the shit out of me bit."

"I want to test out whatever this is," Theo repeated, hauling herself off the couch, stalking towards the kitchen. Zed didn't respond, just started in on their cereal; Theo took it as a sign to continue, sitting opposite on a stool. "At my meeting this afternoon...I think I've been looking at this all wrong. Should I be doing more, not just worrying about well, Matthew?"

"Wut d' ou 'ean?"

"I want to know how far I can go; how far can I take whatever I am."

Theo's hand worried through her hair as she tried to find the words; Zed continued to eat, adding more cereal to counterbalance the amount of milk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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