☆_____ 10 AM ______☆

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Soobin opens his eyes slowly and sees that he's in his bed at the dorms. Confused he tries to sit upright but a sudden pain in his head stops him from moving more. His limbs feel heavy and he feels a bit out of breath.

What happened?

Oh right...

He was at dance practice...

Did he fall down?

His thoughts are interrupted by the room's door opening and Yeonjun steps inside with a glass of water.

"Oh Soobin, you're awake!" he says a bit too loud and Soobin flinches, his head pounding a bit more. Yeonjun notices and steps closer, talking softer "How are you feeling? You gave us all a fright when you suddenly collapsed during practice. Don't ever do that again, okay?! I swear you'll give me a heart attack one day." Yeonjun scolds with his hand over his heart, a small smile lingers on his face.

"I'm fine, hyung, just a little headache I think. Where are the others?" Soobin asks, looking around.

"They're still at practice, but you shouldn't worry about them right now. I have some painkillers here, take them, you'll feel better," Yeonjun says, handing him a glass filled with water and a couple of pills.

"Thanks hyung," Soobin says, taking the glass and giving the elder a tired smile.

Yeonjun watches as Soobin swallows the pills. He's still breathing heavily and droplets of sweat cling to his forehead.

It sometimes annoys Yeonjun how little Soobin cares for himself and instead asks about others, but he does admire how much he cares. Asking about others when he's clearly not fine. Yeonjun had noticed the dark circles under his eyes earlier the week, and it's just gotten worse since. They haven't even had time to hang out at all. It really saddened him how hard the leader has been working, not giving himself or his body enough rest.

"When you collapsed and wouldn't wake up again I brought you back home. The others still have work to finish up for the comeback so they had to stay behind, even though they were ready to fight the manager on that decision. They really wanted to be here to make sure you're okay." Yeonjun says, frowning a bit.

"Oh" is all Soobin can say, his mind was still a bit too fuzzy to think straight. He made everyone worry...

"Okay Binnie, stay still, I need to check your temperature. " Yeonjun says as he moves closer. "You should also eat something. I'll heat up some food for you."

"Mm okay " Soobin says, suddenly feeling exhausted, struggling to keep his eyes open.

Yeonjun puts the thermometer into Soobin's mouth "Oh no... looks like you have a fever Binnie. I'll call our manager and let them know you'll take tomorrow off."

"No!" Soobin says suddenly "I need to go. We have to finish preparing, I need to work. I don't even feel that bad!" He argues.

"No Soobin." Yeonjun says in a demanding yet calm tone, shutting Soobin up immediately. He didn't want to anger his hyung. Despite what people would think, he's actually the scariest member when he's angry.

"You are staying home. I am not taking no for an answer." Yeonjun continues "You've been working way too much, overworking even, your body needs to rest. You need to rest."

"Fine, I'll stay." Soobin gives in, a pout on his lips. Maybe he can try reasoning again tomorrow morning after a good night's rest.

"Okay. Good." Yeonjun was expecting more of a fight from the younger and is relieved the leader agreed to stay home. He really did need the rest, whether he realized it or not.
"I'll go heat up some food now." He says, smiling at Soobin.

Soobin watches Yeonjun leave and his eyes grow heavy again. His arms give out beneath him and suddenly his whole body is aching.

His eyes close and he immediately falls asleep without even realizing.

stay with me (a little longer) || yeonbin ♡ || completedWhere stories live. Discover now