☆_______ 8 AM _______☆

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It's so hot today.

It's so hot and all Soobin wants is to go home already.

Comeback is slowly approaching and that means more and more practice. More pressure to get everything perfect. More feelings of anxiousness to be a good leader to the other members so that they can do their best...

But despite all the negatives, everything has been going smoothly so far. The last couple of songs are almost finished, the dance choreographies are amazing and everyone is picking it up quickly.

Everything is good.


Still Soobin can't help but feel down...

He doesn't understand why. His mind feels foggy. He doesn't have much motivation to do anything. His thoughts are dark and he's slowly falling into something bad and indescribable.

And how does he try and cope? He works of course. Feeling sad won't do anything good for him or the group. He needs to focus on their comeback. He needs to make it as perfect as possible for the fans. They deserve it. He feels like he should talk to someone about his worries, one of the members maybe... but he really doesn't want to bother or worry anyone with this. It'll pass. He's sure of it.

So he works. And works. And works some more. To the point where he barely hangs out with the other members. But whatever. He's improving himself, right? They might even finish the album quicker because of all the extra recording sessions Soobin has put in. And dance practices are going smoothly as well, except that they don't play around during breaks like they used to. Well they do...just without Soobin.

Soobin feels a bit relieved actually. He's getting a lot done. He's proud. He's been working so much he forgot all about his previous negative feelings. Everything is going well...

Until everything crashed down one day.

Soobin is just so exhausted. They're in the middle of dance practice, on a quick break now. The past week flew by, they've been doing so much dance lessons, vocal training, recording sessions and whenever Soobin had time off he would go to the gym to keep his mind busy some more, except for when he had meetings with Bang pd-nim.

"You look a little tired Soobin, are you sure you're alright?" Soobin remembers pd's words.

Maybe he should've just told him then. It was the perfect opportunity to let out his stresses, to share his dark thoughts and maybe get some release...but he didn't. He is basically an adult. He can take care of himself. He is even appointed as the leader of Tomorrow X Together. He's stronger than this. He can handle it. It'll pass.

"I'm fine pd-nim. Just working hard for the comeback. " Soobin said with a tired smile.

"Oh, I understand. Just know there's a lot of support if you ever need to talk Soobin-ssi. Don't overwork yourself. " Bang pd said, a knowing smile on his face.

Soobin thanked him quietly and bowed before leaving.

He lays down on the wooden floor, sweat dripping down and a towel over his face. Did he drink water yet today? He can't remember, he's honestly just too tired to get up. He has zero energy. His legs are burning and it feels like his limbs will fall off at any moment. This week has been so busy, he barely remembers anything but working.

But that's good, right?

Before he can put more thought to it, the dance instructor calls them to get ready again and Soobin forces himself up, swaying just a little bit (he's been feeling a bit dizzy all day) and gets in position, completely missing the worried glances from his members.

The last thing he sees is the dance floor getting closer and closer and then darkness. Everything he's been working towards comes crashing down...including himself.

stay with me (a little longer) || yeonbin ♡ || completedWhere stories live. Discover now