The girl who stopped believing. (A Doctor Who fanfic)

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Allison was the type of girl who always believed that the impossible was, well... Possible! She grew up believing that life was one big adventure, and sure enough it was.

Her parents had always told her about a mad man in a blue box, which was infancy larger on the inside. Actually, that was her favorite story of all time.

By the time she was thirteen, she slowly started to stop believing in the stories her parents had told her. Maybe, just maybe, the so called 'Doctor' was in fact just a work of her parents imagination to keep the girl entertained. "Mum," Allie groaned and sat on the couch, "I'm not seven anymore. You can't expect me to continue believing these ridiculous stories!" She looked over at her Mum and sighed. "I'm sorry, but I'm not a child anymore. You need to understand that."

"Sweetheart, Believe me, I understand more than you know. But the stories are true." Amy walked over and sat next to the young red head. "The Doctor is real. So are all of the adventures your Father and I told you about." Amelia wrapped her arms around her daughter, giving her a soft hug. "Where's that little girl who used to believe in the impossible?"

"She grew up." Allison pulled away from her Mum and started to walk up stirs to her bedroom. She pushed past her Dad without saying a word.

"What's wrong with Alli?" Rory asked, standing in front of his wife.

"She stopped believing..." Amy put her head in her hands then took a deep breath.

"It's been almost ten years, Amelia. Can you blame her?"

"But, she doesn't even remember him!"

Rory sighed and say beside his wife. "Calm down.. Just give her sometime."

That night everything went as usual, They all ate dinner together. After dinner, Amy and Rory watched a movie together while Allison stalked up to her room and worked on one of her many drawings until she fell asleep.


The morning sun shined through the windows as Allison climbed out of bed and made her way down towards to kitchen.


Breakfast is on the counter, your Father and I have gone out for the day. If you need anything call your Grandad. Oh. And Happy Birthday, Sweetheart. We love you.

~Mum and Dad" Allison read the letter her mum had stuck to the fridge.

"Great.. Thanks, Mum." The young ginger picked up one of the strawberry muffins from the plate and took a small bite.

An hour, Two hours, Three hours past and Allison was going mad from the boredom.

Allison was currently sitting upside down when she heard what sounded like the trash can in the back yard being knocked over. "Again?" She asked her self as she rolled off of the couch.

"PONDS!" She heard someone call from outside, by the time Alli had made it half way to the door there was a knocking.

Allison caustiously opened the door, "Can I help you?" She asked quietly.

"Ah, yes. Do the ponds live here?" Allison took in the Man's rather Odd fashion sense; a dark red bowtie, blue button down shirt, tweed jacket, And his hair.. He had nice hair. Stylish but still odd.

"May I ask who's asking?"

"I'm a friend of Amy and Rory's. Just tell Amy that the Raggedy Man is waiting outside for them. She'll know who I am."

Raggedy man? Why did that sound so familiar to Allison? Shrugging it off, the girl shook her head, "I'm sorry but, Amelia and Rory aren't here at the moment. You'll have to come back later."

Alli turned around to walk back inside when she heard the odd mad ask her a question that nearly stopped her heart.

"What about Alli? Is she home? She's actually the reason I've come here. I had a Birthday present for her."

Why is this man asking for me? Allison asked herself before turning around to face him.

"And who are you exactly?"

"Why, I'm the Doctor!" The 'Doctor' put his hands on his hips and smiled proudly.

"Mhm, I see... And how do you know Allison?"

"I've known Little Pond since she was about this small," The man bent down and held his hand maybe a foot away from the ground.

Little Pond... Nobody had called her that since she was about seven years old.

"And how long ago was that?"

"Oh, about a year or so." The Doctor shrugged and leaned against the railing.

"No-one's called me Little Pond in almost ten years..."

"Wait, are you saying you're Allison? No, no. That can't be. Alli was seven the last time I saw her."

"Sir, I can assure you that I am Allison Pond. The fact that you know who I am and I only know that your name is The Docto-- Wait... The doctor... Mum..." Allison sighed and shook her head yet again. "How much did she pay you?"

"I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you are talking about."

"My Mum, She used to tell me stories when I was little about The Doctor. He was a man that supposedly saved the world from different alien races. My Mum got all upset because I stopped believing in her stories. She just wont accept that I'm not a child any more."

A look of pure sadness spread across his face, "You stopped believing.... Why?"

"Because things like that are not and will never be real. It's all fiction. Like Star Wars and Star Trek.."

"One doesn't simply just wake up one morning and stop believing, Allison. There's always a reason that a child stops believing in something. What was your reason?"

"Do we honestly need to play a game of twenty questions?" Allison crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, A habit she picked up from her Mum.

"Just answer the question."

She sighed, "I used to believe in this so called 'Doctor'. Hell, when I was seven I actually thought I had met him. He told me he had to leave for a while but he would be back in time for my eighth birthday. He never came... As I got older I realized that it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go clean up my mess before my parent's or grandad come home and have a nuclear explosion."

"Wait a second.." The man caught her arm before she could go inside. "How old are you?"

"Seventeen to the day."

"Favorite snack?"

"Twenty questions again, seriously?"


"Fine." She sighed, "Fish fingers and--"

"Custard." They said in unison.

"I'm the one who got you to try that. Remember? I had to beat you at Rock, Paper, Scissors just to get you to try it."

"How do you know that?" She gave the man a stern look.

"Because I'm the Docto-"

"No you're not! Stop saying that!"

"I am, Alli. I really am!"

Allison crossed her arms, "Prove it."

The Doctor sighed, "Right then. When I met you, you were seven. You used to carry a drawing pad around with you everywhere. You knew right off the bat that I have a TARDIS, You knew what a Dalek was and you laughed when I was ranting about the noseless dogs." The Time Lord looked her in the eyes. "I am the Doctor Allison..."


Hello everyone! So, this is my first fanfiction! If this chapter is sorta crappy; I'm sorry. :P

Anywho Vote (if you want) and Comment! And possibly fan?

I would love to have some feedback on this chaper.

~ Tori

The girl who stopped believing.  (A Doctor Who fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now