Chapter Eight ~ Burning Memories

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I'm so sorry for the long wait on the update. I've been quite busy because it was the end of the semester and all that. I'm also trying to make my chapters longer, so the time between updates might be longer from now on.


~ Skylar ~

After Ryder took me home, I hurried to the bathroom to shower and change out of my syrup-infused clothes into an oversized black hoodie and leggings. When I was all clean, I stepped out of the bathroom to find Ryder on my bed flipping through channels on the TV.

I walked over to stand by the window, since it had started to snow; it was the first snow of the year. I haven't seen snowflakes falling from the sky since I had moved to San Francisco. It never snowed in California. I marveled as the snow lightly landed on the window, sometimes forming intricately patterned frosts. I could feel the chill of the weather through the glass, and I was reminded of how cold it could get in New York.

After a while, I sat down next to Ryder and grabbed the remote from him. "I'm hungry," I hinted.

"Want Chinese take-out? Pizza? Or something just as cliché?"

"I don't really care. Just food."

"Okay, but what kind?" Ryder looked at me for some kind of answer to his stupid question. I just wanted food. Couldn't he understand that? No, of course not. He's a guy. Guys need everything spelled out.

"Just. Food." I said it really slowly so he would understand. "Cause food is food. And food makes me happy. THEREFORE..."

"Okay, okay! I get it!" Ryder chuckled and thought for a moment before leaving the room to dial up some restaurant.

Finally giving up on finding something interesting to watch on TV, I resorted to Netflix. Ah, Netflix. 90% searching for something to watch and 7% actually watching something. The other 3% was just eating and thinking about life.

After a while, I finally settled on Mean Girls because I just couldn't deny the call of irony. Cuddling my Pillow Pet panda, I snuggled down to enjoy the movie. I was tired of everything right now and just wanted a movie and food, the two components to my happiness.

About five minutes later, Ryder returned and plopped down next to me.

"So, what are we watching, Princess?" He started playing with my hair, distracting me from the movie.

"Princess? That's a new one." I raised one of my eyebrows questioningly.

"Just answer the question."

"Mean Girls," I responded and returned my attention to the TV screen.

"Seriously? Any more clichés you want to pull out?"

"No. But I do have this." I pulled a pillow out from under my blankets and slapped him with it. "Now shush and let me watch the movie."



"I'm the best peasant there is."

"Shut up."

Our little banter continued throughout the movie, but I enjoyed it. It took my mind off of what had happened at school. Our food had arrived halfway through the movie, so now I was happily munching on a slice of mozzarella chicken and mushroom pizza.
I simply loved the combination of the three ingredients on a piece of the heavenly bread known as pizza. The way everything just came together into one big explosion of flavor that satisfied my taste buds was just fantastic. I especially loved this slice too because it came from Caterina's.

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