Chapter Four ~ Daredevil

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Early update! Enjoy!


~ Skylar ~

Everything after that was a blur. Ryder cleaned up my cuts and carefully bandaged them, not saying a single word while doing so.

"There. All better," he smiled weakly and patted my head. I still couldn't get over the fact that he cared so much about me that he would be hurt by the fact that I self-harmed. How could he care for someone he's never met before today? Did he know me somehow?

I pressed my lips into a small smile and nodded. "Thanks," I croaked out. My throat was sore from all the crying I had done. I bet I looked like a mess. Red, puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I was too exhausted.

"Hey, wanna go do something to take your mind off things?" Ryder suggested while running his hands through his messy hair.

"Like what?" I asked, suspicious but intrigued. A distraction was exactly what I needed. But I didn't want "that" kind of distraction, if you know what I mean.

"It's a surprise," he smirked, already back to his bad boy demeanor.

"How do I know I'm not going to be thrown off this bridge into a watery death?" Well, at least I was feeling well enough to be sarcastic again.

"Relax. I'm not that crazy," he chuckled before grabbing my hand and pulling me off the bed. "Now go get dressed. Wear something warm and will guard against the wind."

"Okay, okay, I'm going," I mumbled. I searched through my closet and some skinny jeans, a new black long sleeve, and a leather jacket. I hurried into the bathroom to change.

As my shirt came off, I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of my freshly bandaged scars and a flash of sadness went through me. What was I doing with my life? I shook my head and pulled on the long sleeve and shrugging on the leather jacket. I stepped into a pair of black combat boots and opened the door and presented myself.

"Good enough?"

"Well don't you just look like a little bad girl. We'd look perfect together, just saying," Ryder replied. "But yeah, that should be good enough. Let's go."

I followed him out of the house and down to a small parking lot near the building I lived in.

Then, the motorcycle came into view and everything clicked into place. Of course he had a motorcycle. Why am I surprised?

"I am not getting on that." I halted in my tracks, refusing to take another step towards the possible cause of my death.

"Nope. Can't back out now, love." He threw me a helmet and tugged my towards the piece of machinery.

He climbed on as easily as if mounting a horse, but for me? Now let me tell you this. Being short was not fun. I could never reach anything on the top shelf of the store. And right now, I was having a lot of issues climbing onto the seat of a motorcycle. Before I knew what was happening, I was lifted effortlessly and placed behind Ryder.

"Don't got all day, princess," he chuckled and revved up the engine.

"Don't call me that," I grumbled.

"Whatever, sweetheart. Hold on tight unless you want to die."
I reluctantly wrapped my arms around Ryder's toned waist just as we took off racing into New York City. I squeezed my eyes shut and held on for dear life.

"Open your eyes! You'll miss the whole thing!" Ryder shouted back at me.

"What if I don't want to?!" I yelled back into the wind that was buffeting both of us.

"Just trust me!" he groaned.
I slowly cracked open my eyes and what I saw took my breath away. We were on a freeway high up on a hill overlooking the flashing lights of New York City. Each light was like a star in the night sky. Each unique and colorful. I wished I could just save this moment into my memory forever.

We slowed down and then completely stopped. We were now on top of a cliff giving me time to drink in the view fully.

And in that one moment in time, I was glad I had someone like Ryder to show me New York City like this. Not by taking me to every store and restaurant, but by showing me New York City as a whole. One big puzzle piece in this world; only New York City was so much prettier than the others at night.

"Thank you. For everything," I whispered, still staring out into the city lights sky line.

"You're welcome, love. Does this mean we're friends now?" he asked, standing next to me.

"Friends." Who knows. Our friendship, like so many others, might develop into something more in the future. I smiled at this thought and just enjoyed the silence.

Dare devil charming, eh? I thought to myself. I like it.


And I'm feeling nice today so I'm going to publish two chapters. Look forward to that! ;D
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