Chapter 1~ The amazing offer

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Hello I'm Ylva :) I'm almost 15 (my birthday is the 7th of December) This is my first fanfic ever, and it's also my first story ever written in English, so if there's any grammar or spelling wrongs, please help me and correct them. "You learn from your mistakes" So tell me what's wrong and I'll think of not doin the same mistake another time :) I don't know but I'm quessing that this is annoying to read, so let's start with the story :D HERE YOU ARE DUDES AND DUDETTES :D <3 xx

Luke's POV (Point Of View)

I was just outside penny boarding with the boys (Jai, Beau, James and Skip/Daniel) when I got a text from mum "Bring Skip and James with you here in about an hour, they'll eat with us! Have some exciting news to tell all off you guys :)" Whenever Beau, Jai and I are outside it's always me mum texts because she know that I'll answer in proper English so she can understand. Jai is always typing with slang and acronyms and because of that she only understands half a shit of what he's typing and Beau is most of the time too lazy to even read what mum wrote, and it's only her texts that is 'boring', so they are the only ones he doesn't read, but when he was younger he used to answer with like 'ok' One time when Jai and I was around 14 mum told him to 'babysit' us at the evening/night because it wasn't really safe to have us alone in the same house we were wild, and Beau seemed to be able to take responsibility when it was something important, so he had to go straight home after school, but he didn't read that text and just answered like 'ok :)' and mum was fine with a 'ok :)' and left Jai and I on our own, because she thought that we we're 14 years and should be able to take care about ourselves for half an hour and then Beau 'would' be home. The thing was that he didn't get home at all that night and Jai and I almost burned the house down... But that's a completely different story...

-"Hey guys, mum told us to be home in an hour, Skip and James should also eat at us tonight!"

-"Okay", Jai answered and then we penny boarded to closest supermarket because Skip said he needed something sweet, like candy. We got in there and Skip bought his candy, then we penny boarded home. When we entered the door I could feel the nice smell of tacos. It's one of Beau's favorite foods and sometimes he's just like a little baby, this was one of his baby moment, he's eyes started sparkling and he went into the kitchen to just smell once more and then tell mum how hungry he was. Mum just laughed. We went upstairs and into Beau's room (when it’s all of us we’re normally at Beau’s room because it’s the biggest) and there we just sat down and talked.

-"DINNER'S READY!" We could hear mum scream from downstairs.

-"COMMING!" The five of us answered in choir, and then we ran downstairs.

Jai's POV

-"DINNER'S READY!" Mum called.

-"COMING", we yelled back and then ran downstairs. We got downstairs and sat down, mum in the middle on one side of the table, Beau instantly sat on the other side in the middle, he always does that, in some magic way he always manages to be in the middle, Luke was on Beau's right side and I was in front of Luke, Skip on Beau's left side with James in front of him.

-"Now when everyone's sat down, go ahead, Beau you first", mum said. And then Beau put some food on his plate and started to eat, and all Luke, Skip, James, mum and I did the same.

Mum cleared her throat.

-"Today I got a really nice offer, there was this girl in Sweden who are going to Australia to study here for two years, and her dad have bought her a house which will be empty while she's in Australia.."

-"So? JUST GET TO THE POINT MUM!" Beau screamed.

-"Beau take it chill, the girl said to me that she wanted us to borrow her house so you guys could do more public clips without being recognized as much as you get here in Australia, she said that you aren't too well-known in Sweden, but we'll change that, because we're actually going to Sweden, to live in her house, she said we could live there for free and we didn't even have to clean because she's hiring cleaners to keep it clean, she just doesn't want the house to be empty, in the area of the house, there has been quite a lot of burglary, so she wanted someone to use the house and look after it, and saw your tweet Luke about needing to move to another country to not get to recognized out in town while doing pranks" she told us.

-"Wow, that really is an amazing offer, but what about Skip and James? I said.

-" I've talked with their parents and they thought it been nice for them to follow with us" mum simply answered.

-"WOW WE'RE GOING TO SWEDEN!!! Beau screamed.

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