Chapter 4~ Time to prounounce ^.^

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So like I wrote this last monday but when it was finished something had happened to my internet, so it haven't really worked... Now I'm in Lithuania, visiting cancer sick kids... It's such an amazing travel, well enough about that, I just wanted to say that I can at least update now when I have a written chapter and wifi... Since it's only takes like 30 seconds :)

Jai’s P.O.V.

When I enter the kitchen I feel a lovely smell of food. I can’t really recognize the smell though. I decide to thank Sol for the amazing room, I want to call her Sol but I’m  not sure if it will sound good with my accent so I’ll just call her Sun.

“Wow Sun my room is so cool!!”

“What have you been doing all this time?” Luke asks.

“Playing Xbox, besides what’s for dinner? Can’t recognize the smell” I can see that Luke doesn’t look surprised at what I’ve done. So what? I like playing Xbox.

“It’s falukorv” Luke says and Sol starts to laugh.

“What’s so funny Sol?” That just makes her laugh even more. She tries to behave and at last she manages to stop laughing.

“How you pronounce falukorv and Sol, it sounds so funny and cute. I’ll learn you when we’re eating”

“What’s falukorv?” I ask and Sol starts to laugh, I didn't pronounce too good either.

“It’s a kind of sausage” Luke tells me.

“Oh” I say when James, Skip and mum enter the room.

“Where’s Beau?” Sol asks.

“He’s sleeping.” Mum answers.

“Oh, well let him sleep he’s probably tired after the travel.” Sol says.

At dinner Sol teaches us how to say hi, goodbye, thanks and some more words in Swedish. She also teaches us to pronounce Sol and falukorv. It all creates quite a lot of laugh since we can’t pronounce anything at first, but when we’ve eaten everyone can pronounce Sol and falukorv fantastic, or that’s what Sol told us, hahaha. After the food Sol shows us the rest of the rooms, there is a lot rooms, the ones I like best is the gaming room and the room that is filled with skateboards and penny boards. There are also some moveable ramps but Sol tells us there is a skate park just two minutes from her house. When we’ve watched the entire house she tells us to go get a board and she’ll show us where the skating park is. We then go home and goes to sleep.

Luke’s P.O.V.

I wake up rather early and have this feeling of wanting to skate so I decide to go downstairs and have a sandwich and then I go get a blue penny board and starts walking to the park since I thought it would be nice with a little walk before the skating. I put my earphones in and starts ‘Little talks’ since I really like that song! So I just walk there, thinking, I’m in my own world and then suddenly I bump into someone…

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