My Poor Gracie

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Hannahs pov:
"Gracie?" I asked. I shook her. Nothing. All of a sudden I saw something bleeding. On her arm. I hesitatntly pulled up her sleeve.
"What the fuck!?" I shouted. How could she cut herself?? I don't know why she'd feel this way about herself. My poor Gracie. I carried her to my car. She was shockingly light. I put her in the back seat. I called Mamrie.
"Hey what's up Hannah?" She asked.
"Mames its Grace. Meet me at the hospital." I said.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I'll explain later, bye." I hung up and quickly drove to the hospital.
When I got there they took Grace and I waited for a while. Mamrie came.
"What happened to Grace?" She asked.
"I don't know she was fine then a cut split open and she passed out and wouldn't wake up so I brought her here." I said. A tear dropped from my eye.
"Oh hun, I'm sure she's okay. Don't worry about her, Han." She said.
"I can't not worry about her. I have to. She's my best friend." I said.
"Gracie will be okay." She said while pulling me in for a hug. She's right, she'll be okay.
"Ms. Hart?" The doctor asked, looking around. I bolted up.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Ms. Helbig is in here. She'll be okay, she's just asleep now." He said.
"Oh thank the lord." I said. I felt as a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I went in and saw Grace. She looked so peaceful and beautiful while sleeping. I walked over to her.
"Oh my god Grace you're okay. I love you so much." I said and hugged her. Suddenly I felt her hug back. She woke up.
"I love you too." She said.
"Oh my god I was worried sick!" I said. Involuntarily, I kissed Grace. I was really scared but then she started kissing back. She wrapped her arms around my neck and we began to make out. I pulled away.
"Sorry." I said, blushing.
"Aww Farto likes me." She giggled.
"Hey you kissed back too." I said.
"That's what I wanted to tell you. I love you, Hannah. I've wanted you for a while now and I was worried you wouldn't feel the same way but now, I'm assuming you do are my assumptions correct?" She said. I was shocked.
"You're assumptions are correct. Now stop talking fancy." I said. She giggled.
"Hop in, Farto." She said.
"Whatever you say Smellbig." I smiled really big. Wow. I'm dating Grace Helbig. She fell asleep on me and soon I followed.

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