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For the months following, Cas and Dean texted and called back and forth whenever they could. The pair were getting along better than they thought they would - they were soulmates after all. They never ran out of things to talk about on the phone, and without realising it, flirting was present in almost every conversation they had.

Gabe and the other boys in Dean's band were happy for their friends. Gabe especially, because Cas had found his soulmate and he was no longer heartbroken. He was extremely happy, and always wearing a smile on his face. Gabe was also glad that he didn't have to pick up any broken pieces of Cas' heart from around the place anymore.

Dean was the same. The boys had never seen him like this before in the 5 years they had been together, longer in Dean and Sam's case as they were brothers. He was a lot happier in interviews, eager to answer questions, and on stage, was a completely different person. He was always smiling and had the sparkle back in his eyes and wouldn't stop dancing around.

Everything was happy for the both of them.

Before they knew it, the tour was almost over and Dean was almost home again. It was March and Cas was still working at the café in between classes.

Cas was assisting a fellow colleague clean the coffee machine one March afternoon when the familiar sound of the door opening and the bell tingling sounded through the shop.

"You got this while I serve this customer?" Cas said to Charlie, the worker on the step ladder leaning into the coffee machine. The girl nodded before wobbling on the stool, almost falling off. Cas ran to steady her as the customer behind him cleared their throat, trying to get the attention of one of the workers behind the counter.

"One second!" Cas called, making sure his colleague was alright, before turning to serve the customer. "How can I- oh my god!"

As Cas looked up to serve the customer, his mouth dropped open in surprise. There in front of him, stood a boy wearing a brown leather jacket, red shirt, and the biggest grin on his face.

"It was 3.16pm when I got in here, but it seems like you were too busy to notice me," he said, flashing his watch to the awe-struck employee in front of him.

"Dean!" Cas squealed, flying around the counter and straight into his arms, holding him close. Dean chuckled and hugged him right back, smiling into his hair. It then dawned on Cas that this was the first time he had even properly touched Dean in the time their relationship had grown, let alone hugged him. And even though they'd never touched before, it felt so right being in his arms. It felt natural - they were made for each other, literally. He felt at home. Cas pulled away from Dean's chest, holding him at arm's length, taking in his features. "You're not meant to be back for another couple days!" Cas realised, but smiling anyway.

"Yeah, well, I had to get our routine going again," Dean replied, a smile also pulling at his lips. Cas' heart fluttered, again, at the word 'our'.

"I-I can't believe this," Cas gushed, pulling Dean in for a hug again. Dean chuckled and hugged the boy back.

"Oh!" Cas said suddenly, pulling away from the older lad. "Would you like your usual? Since we're continuing our routine?"

Dean grinned and nodded, watching as the younger boy clapped his hands and darted around the counter excitedly. He watched the bubbly boy get his brownie with cream and Long Black. He felt in awe of this boy, who looked perfect in his eyes as he dropped a spoonful of cream beside his brownie as he knew he didn't like it on top. Dean didn't realise how much he missed this. Cas placed the plate in front of him and grinned up at him, making Dean's heart melt, and turned to prepare his coffee - the employee now out of the machine. Dean could hear his heart beating in his ears as Cas handed him his drink, grinning again. He reluctantly looked away to get his wallet and hand over his money when Cas' hand lay atop of his, stopping him.

"It's on the house today," Cas said, smiling.

Dean's face softened and he took his plate and cup. "Thank you. Would you come and sit with me?"

Cas looked behind him at Charlie, who nodded and shooed him to the other side of the counter. Charlie knew how much Dean meant to Cas, and wouldn't let anything get between bonding time for the pair. Cas beamed and followed Dean over to his usual table. The two sat down across from each other and Dean placed the brownie in the middle of the table. Without asking, he cut a bit off with his spoon, bringing it up to Cas' mouth. Cas blushed, but took the spoon in his mouth, tasting the chocolate cake. Dean watched, eyes sparkling as the boy in front of him fluttered his eyes closed and moaned at the taste, arousing something of Dean's that hadn't been aroused by another person in a while, let alone a sound.

"Well I can see why you order that every day. It's delicious," Cas commented.

Dean beamed, eyes still trained on his soulmate. "You mean you've never had it before?"

Cas shook his head, reaching across and taking the spoon from Dean's hand, fingers brushing and causing both hearts to flutter. Cas used it to take another piece of brownie in front of them. Dean didn't mind. His thoughts were wandering all over the place, mind whirring because of the boy across from him. He was falling for him: his soulmate. And he wanted to take him out. Just the two of them. Stray from their routine and the coffee shop and go someplace different. So their relationship wasn't just situated in this one place. Not just that, Dean wanted to stay with Cas for the rest of his life, to grow a life with Cas. Is it weird to have these feelings so early in the relationship? He wanted to get to know Cas better Dean wanted to get to know anything and everything about him. He wanted to know Cas better than the back of his hand.

As Cas brought the spoon to his lips for a third time, Dean stopped him, grabbing his wrist to admire his name imprinted there. He rubbed his thumb over his own name before bringing it to his lips and kissing it. Cas blushed.

"Is it hard to believe that I never noticed this? In the weeks I came here, I never saw my name on your wrist," he murmured, eyes still trained on the name.

Cas was about to open his mouth to reply before Dean cut him off, continuing. "Let me take you out. On a proper date. Let's get to know each other in person, not just on the phone," he said, eyes flickering up to meet Cas'. A grin erupted on Cas' face before he leaned in. There was no denying his answer.

"I would love that," he whispered, planting a kiss on Dean's soft cheek.


And that was that. The beginning of Dean and Cas' lifelong relationship. Their souls were bound from their birth, right up to and even after they died. They were incredibly happy, the two of them. They didn't feel the need to have any children, although they did adopt a Siberian Husky much to Dean's chagrin. However Dean fell in love with that dog, almost as much as he loved Cas, and the two became best friends.

With all of Dean's success from his band, Cas barely had to work, staying at home and enjoying every single moment of it due to his introverted manner. He maintained the little cottage the two brought, taking care of the vegetable garden, fruit trees, and beehive that Cas insisted they needed. He was right, of course, as every day of the year they had fresh fruit and veges from their garden, as well as honey for their morning toast. Dean now owned a record label that he opened with his fellow band mates, managing and producing music for all the new up and coming rockstars.

The two were happy with their lives, never wanting to change a thing. They were soulmates in any and every universe, souls bound together forever and always.


The End.

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