5 - Third Time's a Charm

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Chidi banged on the bathroom door, worried that Tamia may have tried to do something. He knew she was having a rough time in there. He understood her situation, and admired that she was the one showing emotion, almost like she is doing it so the rest don't have to. He banged again after having no response.
"Tamia, you need to get out of there and help us out!" He said, having a desperate tone. On the outside, Charlie handed Chidi a journal. It was Lukey's journal which was left on the kitchen counter.
"There's a journal for you to read." Charlie called. "You're always the one who reads the journals, Tamia."
To Tamia, this was a calling, she pulled herself up and exited the bathroom. The remnants greeted her and Charlie gave her the journal. She'd open it carefully and take a deep breath. She stood on a chair to project her voice.
"Sorry to break it to whoever may be reading this, but I'm evil. Have fun for the rest of the game - I'm rooting for you, Tamia!"
Marley crossed her arms afterwards. "What was he thinking? Aren't journals meant to be for useful information?"
"I mean, yeah, but..." Charlie shrugged.
They heard a door open and a couple of footsteps, this alarmed them, they all turned to face the new encounter. They were greeted by another participant, a small girl with dark hair put into two plaits which rested behind her.
Charlotte stormed to the front, confronting them. "Who are you?! Have you been here all this time?! Why were you hiding?!"
The girl bowed her head. "I'm sorry. My name is Kim-ly. You can just call me Kim. I was hiding because I know how this killing game works. I didn't want to get noticed so I didn't die. Please understand me, please!" She cried.
Charlotte pointed her nose up and glared down at Kim-ly, giving her a vicious glare. This intimidated Kim-ly, causing her to back up and get some space. Tamia ran to Charlotte, and held her shoulder.
"Charlotte. Don't, please. She has a very fair excuse. Step aside now." Tamia said with a great sigh. She shoved Charlotte aside and looked down at Kim-ly. "I'm Tamia. That's Charlotte."
Kim-ly stepped into vision and greeted the rest of the players. She gave off a friendly type of vibe. They are seemed to like her, or most of them did. Marley kept a straight face, but that's just Marley. She doesn't like anybody participating.
Kim-ly and Charlie made eye contact and nodded at each other, Chidi observed this. He walked behind Tamia and wrote a note for her.
"Kim-ly and Charlie know each other."
He nudged her hand with the note, she grabbed it, the note didn't drop. Tamia read it and shrugged at him. Marley walked to them, being followed by Charlotte, while Charlie and Kim-ly spoke to each other. While Tamia's three friends spoke with each other, it almost felt like time froze, everything was so still, it was disturbing. It felt unreal how they ignored all the corpses around them. It was as though they were apart of the furniture. Why are people left in the dust? She'd look out the window, staring at Lara's corpse, still hanging there. She avoided looking at her eyes, which were what disturbed her the most. It was horrifying to see somebody's eyes pulled out of their sockets. She wondered what type of sick person would even consider doing that. What was done to Lara was terrible enough. She couldn't imagine what would happen next, and she did not want to.
Chidi stepped out of the conversation to stand beside her.
"Still staring at Lara, Tamia?" He sighed.
Tamia looked at him and nodded.
He looked down at her, sighing. "It's hard to look at. This murderer has a terrible mind, with worse intentions."
Tamia nodded, agreeing. "They really do."
Marley walked to them. "Aye. It's a killing game, what were you expecting? Cupcakes and rainbows?"
Chidi laughed at Marley's remark. "Marley, you have very sick humour, it's amazing."
Chidi caused Tamia to fall into deep thought, the typical habit of hers. She planned what she'd do the following round. She had it all down mentally. She exhaled and nodded, I can do this.

And so she could.
She could do anything,
or so she believed.

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