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Logan sat in a chair next to Zoey's bed while she slept. Logan's dad was going to pick them up at noon for the summer, but he called him and told him what was going on and that he would let him know when nurse Shannan let them go and he could pick them up then. Logan and Zoey had been together since the first week of 6th grade. Since then Zoey spent every summer with Logan and this summer was the summer before 12th grade and Logan had planned so much fun for the two of them this summer, but now all he wanted to do was make sure that Zoey was ok. After a couple of hours Zoey finally woke up. "Hey babe how are you feeling?" "My stomach is still killing me," Zoey said as nurse Shannon came back in. "Zoey your up! How are you feeling?" "My stomach is still killing me," Zoey said as Logan helped her to sit up. "Zoey, I'm going to ask you some questions and see if we can figure out what's wrong with you, Ok?" "Ok" Zoey said as Logan held her hand. "Ok Zoey. How long have you had this pain in your stomach?" "All week." "Have you been throwing up all week?" "Yeah. Mostly at night and in the morning." Nurse Shannon wrote everything down and then had Zoey go to the bathroom and leave a urine sample. After Zoey came back out, Nurse Shannon grabbed the cup and looked at both Zoey and Logan. "Zoey, Logan. I'm going to run a pregnancy test. If this stick comes out blue, then Zoey is pregnant." "Why do you think that i'm pregnant?" Zoey asked as she felt Logan's grip on her. "Because of the symptoms you are having." Zoey looked from Logan back to Nurse Shannon. "Umm can we have a minute before you do the test?" Zoey asked as she looked back at Logan. "Yes" Nurse Shannon said as she left the room.

"Logan, w-what are we going to do?" Zoey lost it as she started crying. Logan felt his heart break as he wrapped her in his arms and rubbed circles on her back as he kissed her head. "We will figure it out Zoe, we always do," Logan said as he picked Zoey up and set her on his lap as he sat on the bed. "Zoey, I love you no matter what happens." Logan cooed as he lifted her face to look up at him. "Do you think we are ready to be parents?" "No one is ever ready. I think we will be just fine and figure it out." Once Zoey was calmed down, nurse Sarah came back in. "Ready?" She asked the two teens. Logan and Zoey both shook their heads as Logan wrapped his strong arms around Zoey. Both Zoey and Logan held their breath as they watched nurse Shannon dip the stick in the cup. "Congratulations." Nurse Shannon said before leaving the two alone. "Zoe?" Logan camlely said as he looked at her blank expression. "L-Logan'' Zoey said as she laid her head on his chest and sobbed. "Hey,hey. It's ok, I'm right here. Please don't cry baby." Logan said as he tried to sooth Zoey. After Zoey was calmed back down, Logan called his dad to come pick them up. Of course Malcome asked what was wrong with Zoey and if she was ok. Logan knew that him and Zoey needed to talk about the situation and make a doctors appointment before they told anyone, so Logan just told his dad that Zoey had a stomach bug and just needed some sleep. Once Malcome picked them up, Zoey instantly fell asleep on Logan's chest on the way to his house. "You kids ok back there?" Malcolm asked Logan as he continued the drive back to their house in Santa Monica. Luckily for Zoey it was an hour and a half ride from PCA, so she could continue to sleep for a while. "Yeah we're ok. Zoey fell asleep." "Ok" Malcolm said and brushed it off, even though he could tell that something was going on. Logan and Zoey had been together for almost 7 years and Malcome had gotten good at telling when something was going on with the teens. Once they got home Logan scooped Zoey out of the car and carried her up to his room, that they have shared together every summer since they started dating. Logan carefully laid Zoey on the bed and covered her up, before he went down to grab their bags from the car.

"Logan, what is going on with Zoey?" Malcolm asked his son as they grabbed the bags from the car. "Nothing, she is just tired from finals and this stomach bug." Logan lied as he headed back up to the house. "What is that sound?" Malcolm asked Logan as they walked in the door. "Shit!" Logan said as he dropped the bags and ran up the stairs to his bedroom and into the bathroom, where Zoey was leaned over the toilet trying to hold her hair back as she emptied her stomach into the porcelain bowl. Logan hurried over to her, grabbing her hair and pulling it into a messy bun, before he leaned down next to her and rubbed her back. After a few minutes Zoey had finally stopped throwing up and was able to catch her breath. Once Zoey had catched her breath, she slumped to the cool tile floor. Logan was quick to try and pick her up. "Logie, please don't move me, the cool tile feels good" Zoey said as she laid her head back down. Logan sat on the floor next to her and was rubbing her back when his dad walked into check on them. "Hey Zoey are you ok?" "Umm yeah" Zoey said sheepishly as she looked up at Logan. Logan knew that they didn't want to tell anyone until after they went to a doctor. "We'll be down in a few minutes dad" Logan said as he helped Zoey up. Malcolm nodded before heading back down stairs.  "Zoe, I think we should tell my dad tonight. I know we planned on not telling anyone until after we go to the doctors tomorrow, but he could help us." Logan said as Zoey finished rinsing her mouth out. "You righ Logan, we need to tell someone." Zoey said as she kissed Logan, before grabbing his hand and heading downstairs."Hey dad, we need to talk to you," Logan said as he and Zoey sat on the couch. "Whats up?" Logan looked at Zoey who gave him a nod, before looking back at his dad. "Dad, Zoey is pregnant. We're going to have a baby." Logan was a ball of nerves as he bounced his legs around, while he waited for his dad to say something. "How long have you two known? How far along are you Zoey?" Malcolm asked as he stared at the two teens. "We just found out this afternoon when we were in the infirmary. I have an appointment with a doctor in the morning" Zoey said as she looked up at Logan who was blankly staring at the ground. "Do you two think you are ready for a baby? It's a lot of work and responsibility" Malcolm told the two teens who looked rather nervous. Logan was quick to speak up. "Yes dad we are, I love Zoey and I will love our baby just as much" Logan said as he placed his large hand on Zoey's still very flat stomach. After a few more minutes of talking, Logan and Zoey headed to bed.

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