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Once Logan was finished with the group message. He got his laptop out to make sure that the surprise he had for Zoey was all ready. Logan was so happy that not only did he get Zoey’s parents permission to propose to her on the 4th back at christmas time, but that they knew they would get to tell all of their friends and family about the baby!! “WOW! Next Christmas me and Zoey will have a baby!” Logan thought as he thought back to last Christmas when he asked Zoey’s parents if he could ask Zoey to marry him. 

Logan woke up and looked at the beautiful girl sleeping next to him. As he grabbed his phone he saw the date. July, 4, 2009. It was officially the 4th of July, all of their friends and Zoey’s parents and brother were coming over for a cookout and fireworks. Today was especially exciting, because they were finally telling everyone about the baby, and Logan was proposing to Zoey! The last month had been a little hard for the couple. Zoey’s morning sickness had gotten pretty bad, Logan had to take her to the hospital to get rehydrated a few times. Logan had been looking for a job for the summer until they went back to PCA and he would go back to working at Sushi Rox. Logan looked back over at Zoey as he smiled to himself while he watched her sleep. After a few minutes of watching her sleep he got up and headed to take a shower, before he ran to the store to get stuff for the barbeque and Zoey’s engagement ring. Last month Logan had asked his dad if he could be in charge of this year's 4th of July party. “Really?” Malcolm asked his son with a slight confusion in his tone. “Logan has never planned anything.” He thought to himself. “Really. I’m going to be a father and have a wife. I need to step up and start acting like an adult.” Malcolm was shocked by his son’s words, but was proud of him. After he was done with his shower, Logan went back into the bedroom to get dressed. He was glad that Zoey was still sleeping. He put on his khaki shorts and red cut off tee, gelled up his hair, and grabbed his wallet and car keys as he headed down to his car. “I need to get Zoey a car,” He thought to himself as he drove to the jewelry store first. Once he had the engagement ring, Logan headed to Walmart to grab everything for tonight. After he finished getting the groceries for tonight, Logan stopped at the florist and got Zoey some red and white roses. 

Once home, Logan took all of the groceries in and put them away before he headed upstairs to check on Zoey. When he got to the bedroom he saw that Zoey was still asleep. He smiled as he walked over to her side of the bed and kissed her forehead before he started to gently wake her up. “Zoey, hey it’s after 11. Our friends and your parents and Dustin will be here soon.” Logan whispered as he tried to wake his girlfriend up. “Mmm, Logan I’m still really tired” Zoey groaned as she opened her eyes and looked over at Logan, who had the smile that she loved so much. “I know babe. Once we tell everyone and you eat, you can come lay back down. I promise. I have to go start the food.” Logan said as he kissed her before heading back down stairs. Once Logan had headed back down stairs, Zoey got up and headed for the shower, when she was done she grabbed her dress she bought for today and put it on. Once she was dressed and had her hair done, she went to stand in front of the mirror, she immediately let out a scream when she looked into the mirror.

Logan was downstairs getting ready to season the burgers when he heard Zoey scream. He immediately ran up the stairs as fast as he could. “Zoey, what’s wrong babe?” “We can’t have everyone over” Zoey cried as Logan walked into the bedroom. “Why?” Logan asked, confused. Because we haven told them that i’m pregnant and they will all figure it out before we can tell them.” “Zoe what are you talking about? They won't know until we tell them. You're not even showing yet.” Logan said as he walked closer to Zoey. “But I am showing!” Zoey cried as she turned to the side and looked at Logan. Logan stood in awe of his beautiful girlfriend and the tiny, but noticeable bump through her dress. Logan slid over to Zoey as he fell to his knees and placed one hand on her back as he let the other one cover the small bump. “T-that's our baby!” Logan cried as he stood up to kiss Zoey. “Yeah it is!” Zoey chuckled as the tears ran down both of their faces. Once the couple had caught their composure, Logan thought for a moment before he came up with an idea. “Ok, so what if as soon as everyone gets here we sit them all down in the livingroom and tell them? I know it’s not very memorable or special, but the sooner we tell them the less stress you will be under, and stress is not good for you or the baby.” “Ok! I don’t care how we tell them, as long as you're with me!” “I wouldn’t be anywhere else babe!” Logan cooed before kissing Zoey and then leaning down to kiss her small bump. 

A couple of hours later Zoey’s parents, brother, and all of their friends were sitting in Logan’s dad’s living room as the couple stood in front of them. “We have something to tell all of you,” Zoey said as she looked up at Logan. “Zoey is pregnant. We are going to have a baby” Logan said as he placed his hand on her small bump. Their friends and Zoey’s brother congratulated the couple, but Zoey and Logan were more concerned with her parents' reaction. “Congratulations!” Her parents said as they hugged the teen couple. Zoey was shocked and surprised by her parents' reaction. 

While Zoey and her mom were talking, her dad pulled Logan into the backyard to talk to him. “Logan I know you would never hurt Zoey, but if you ever leave her or hurt her or that baby…” “I never would Mr.Brooks. I didn’t plan on Zoey being pregnant when I proposed to her. I thought we would be married before we ever started a family.” “I know, I’m just protective of her. She is my only daughter” “I know sir.” “I know you love my daughter! I also know you are a good kid and will protect her, you have the last 6 and a half years! I couldn’t be happier for you to join our family!” Mr.Brooks said before pulling Logan into a hug. “Thank you sir” Logan said as he caught Zoey looking at them from the kitchen as she smiled before walking away. Twenty minutes later the food was ready, but everyone except Zoey knew that Logan was going to propose to Zoey before they ate. Logan went to pull out Zoeys chair for her, but when she turned towards him he was down on one knee with a beautiful princess cut diamond ring. 

“Zoey, you are my best friend. I have been in love with you since your first day at PCA and I have fallen more in love with you as our relationship has grown over the last 6 years. I love how smart and caring you are, I love how when I am having a bad day you can make it all better by just smiling at me. I love making you laugh, just so I can hear that beautiful laugh of yours. Zoey I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby! Will you marry me?” Zoey was so shocked and surprised as the tears fell down her face (the pregnancy hormones only made it worse) that all she could do was shake her head as Logan placed the ring on her finger before kissing her and picking her up and spinning her around before all of their friends and family came over to congratulate the new couple.

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