After all of their friends and family had congratulated them, Logan looked at Zoey "I love you" he said as he kissed her head, "I love you to" she yawned as she looked up at Logan. "Hey do you want to go lay down?" Logan asked as he wrapped her in his arms. "Yes, we are really tired, '' she said as she placed a hand on her bump. Logan chuckled as he let go of her. Logan and Zoey thanked their friends and family as Logan told them all that Zoey was going to go lay down. Once back in the house Logan walked Zoey into the kitchen before going upstairs. "Logan what are you doing? I am really tired" Zoey whined. "I know babe, but I promised you could after we told everyone about the baby and you ate something, you haven't eaten anything yet today." He said as he smiled at her with that smile that Zoey could not resist. "Ok she cooed as Logan made her a plate of food. "You like the food?" Logan asked with a chuckle as he whipped the food off of Zoey's mouth. Zoey chuckled as she shook her head, "This food is so good Logan! Where did you learn how to cook?" "My mom." Zoey heard the sadness in his voice, "Do you want to call her and tell her about the baby?" "No she lost the right to know my child when she walked out of my life" "Ok." Once Zoey was finished eating Logan walked with Zoey up to his room Zoey climbed into bed, but was quick to get back up as she ran to the bathroom. Logan followed her as he had gotten used to Zoey getting sick. "It's ok babe, i'm right here" Logan said as he held her hair back and rubbed her back. When Zoey was done emptying her stomach Logan picked her up and laid her in bed. "You comfortable babe?" "Yeah, I just still feel nauseous, I think I ate too much." "Aww babe, try to get some rest Ok, i'm going to go back downstairs ok?" "Can you please lay with me I don't feel good?" Zoey asked with her puppy dog eyes. "You know I can't say no to you, especially when you and our baby dont feel good" he cooed as he climbed into bed. Once in bed Zoey nuzzled her head into Logan's chest, he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back as she fell asleep and eventually Logan fell asleep too. A few hours later Michael and Chase went up to find Logan. "Logan, Logan '' Michael said as he shook Logan awake. Logan slowly opened his eyes to see Michael and Chase in his room. "Guy's what's going on?" "You fell asleep and have been sleeping for four hours, fireworks are about to start" Michael said as he walked out of the room. "You guys going to come watch them?" "No I want to let Zoey get her sleep, she got sick after she ate earlier" Logan said as he laid his head back down. Chase shook his head as he left Logan's room. Logan kissed the top of Zoey's head as he tried to fall back to sleep.

*August, a month later, School has started back up*

"Zoe you ready? We have to get to your appointment before we head back to campus' ' Logan said as he carried the rest of their stuff to his car. Once he got the rest of the stuff in the car he went back in to help Zoey get to the car. Once them and all of their stuff was in the car, Logan drove to the doctors. Once there Logan and Zoey went and waited in the waiting room until they were called back into a room. "How are you feeling today Zoey?" Dr. Lopez said. " I feel huge and tired, '' Zoey said as she watched the ultrasound screen. "That is to be expected when you are about to start your third trimester." Dr. Lopez said. Earlier in Zoey's second trimester she and Logan had their friends get the gender and plan a gender reveal for them.


It was the day of Zoey and Logan's gender reveal and Logan was a little nervous. "Hey babe are you ok?" Zoey asked as she came downstairs to find Logan sitting in the kitchen. "Yeah, I'm just nervous, what if I'm not a good father?" Logan asked as he put his hands on either side of the bump. "Logan you are going to be the best dad to our babies' ' Zoey says as she gives him a kiss.

A few hours later all their friends and family were at Malcolm's for the gender reveal. "On the count of 3" their friends called. 1...2...3, Logan and Zoey both popped smoke bombs, Zoey's puffed out blue and Logan's puffed out pink! All of their friends and family congratulated the soon to be parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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